Cameron goes Turkey crazy!

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Cameron goes Turkey crazy!

Post by max_tranmere »

Today we have Dave praising Turkey in glowing terms and really wanting to be their friend. I am not saying they do or dont deserve praise and good words but he really went to town with the arse-kissing today. Does anyone know why? Maybe he's looking forward to them joining the EU and the prospect of 80m muslims being eligible to move to the UK.
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Re: Cameron goes Turkey crazy!

Post by Flat_Eric »

But max, the UK has a great tradition of hospitality towards people from many different countries and backgrounds.

Those 80m Muslims would contribute immensely towards enhancing this country's rich cultural tapestry and diversity.

I for one can hardly wait.

Allah Akbar!!! !bow!

- Eric

David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson »

Hi Max,

"Today we have Dave praising Turkey in glowing terms and really wanting to be their friend. I am not saying they do or dont deserve praise and good words but he really went to town with the arse-kissing today. Does anyone know why?

There was definitely a touch of the Blairite PR approach there i.e. work out what the Turks want to hear and then say it with enough vagueness that you don't have to commit to anything specific. THe name of the game on this trip to Turkey, India etc is to plead for some foreign trade, I suspect.

As I recall, the BBC correspondent at the news conference which Cameron and the Turkish leader gave, asked Cameron about the slight issue of up to 80 million Turks lookiing for work in the EU. His response was that once membership occurs there is an equalling out of living standards over a period of time "it happened with Spain, Italy etc". What he didnt mention as far as I am aware, was any timescale of when he would like to see Turkey as a full member, whether he would like to see restrictions on numbers coming to the UK etc etc and how long he anticipated before this "equalling out" had occurred.

Rest assured if Dave announced that he was in favour of Turkey joining in 5 years time without any restrictions, then his back would be a pin cushion, courtesy of the Tory party.

On the subject of India, if you want an example of the United Kingdom's abject decline in the last 40 years as a world, economic power, then look at his quotes on the subject of India. Apparently Donwing Street is making it clear that Britain will consult Delhi over a proposed new cap on non-EU immigration to make sure that the worries expressed by the Indian Commerce Minister "the cap could have an "adverse" effect on trade relations" are dealt with.

Advice to any youngster graduating - go east young man/woman and relocate. My guess is that increasingly skilled British jobs, particularly in IT will either be offshored or alternatively onshored with people from South Asia.

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Re: Max

Post by max_tranmere »

Interesting what you say about how Cameron's party will be furious if he is keen for that many to come from Turkey (his back will be a pin cushion as you put it). I find it incredible that 'here today gone tomorrow' governments can change the make up of a country to such an extent, and against the wishes of the public. Look at the c**t Gordon Brown with his 'British jobs for British workers' shpeel. It turned out that 93% of all jobs created after he appointed himself as PM went to incomers.

I remember in early 2004 people being worried about what would happen when 10 new countries joined the EU later that year. Tony Blair did nothing, and couldn't have cared less. We were swamped. Then there was the next two joining and Blair did sod all there either. We have absorbed huge numbers from those other two countries aswell.

Nothing will happen to stop vast numbers of Turkish muslims moving here, the public will be against it but the out of touch coalition Government will allow it anyway. Few of those people will assimilate or have any loyalty to this country and will demand huge changes in the way we do things to accomodate them.

I honestly don't know why people bother voting. The people in charge do what the hell they like, against everyone's wishes. I honestly, honestly feel that this country is going to permanently fall apart within a generation. It's like watching a loved-one die of terminal cancer. RIP GB.
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Re: Max

Post by planeterotica »

Maybe Camerons idea is to get Turkey into the EU and then pull Britain out of it leaving the rest of Europe in an unstable state and GB as a fortress, could be 1939 all over again !wink!

David Johnson
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Re: Max

Post by David Johnson »

I don't think you have anything to worry about. Like I said Cameron is just doing his Blairite PR thing. In Turkey, he says Gaza is like a prison camp and states that he supports Turkey's right to join the EU. In India, he criticises Pakistan for looking both ways on terrorism etc.

He is just saying what his hosts want to hear. He knows that both Germany and France are dead against Turkey joining the EU and without their agreement it ain't going to happen. So there is nothing to be lost in terms of coming out in support of Turkey joining the EU.

End of!

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Re: Cameron goes Turkey crazy!

Post by silkflame »

Firstly, '80 million' people in Turkey are not Muslims. A lot are; a lot are Christian. Quite why their religion should matter I'm not sure.

Secondly, they would not be 'eligible to move to Britain'. They would be eligible to apply to move here. There are restrictions on numbers; and a criteria.

The fuss is usually about money - if they're members of the EU we can export goods there more easily. Turkey has a terrible human rights record, which appears not to concern many people overly.
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Re: Cameron goes Turkey crazy!

Post by Robches »

Not many Christians in Turkey these days, not after 1.3 million Greeks were expelled in 1923 at any rate. Turkey is 99% Muslim, and the state, which was secular, is growing increasingly religious. Outside the major cities Turkey is essentially third world. We are having enough trouble with Romanians coming over here, the idea that over 70 million Turks should eventually get the right to live and work in Britain is absurd, and the fact that Cameron can even entertain it shows he is a button headed ponce.
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Re: Cameron goes Turkey crazy!

Post by RoddersUK »

Too many Muslims here already, another 80m eligible to enter is something we want like a slashed throat.
Fuckem, and fuck him if he can't see that UK cannot accept any more.

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Re: Cameron goes Turkey crazy!

Post by max_tranmere »

silkflame, the reason that their religion matters is because muslim people always demand changes when they arrive in another country. There are also loyalty issues. Muslim people dont believe in Freedom of Speech to the same extent as most Westerners do, nor do they believe in equal rights for women, gay people, and so on. Their holy book tells them they must feel close allegience to other muslims, wherever they are, more so than towards people who are not muslim in the country they have settled. Lastly, 80m Turkish people WILL be eligible to move here, just like any Pole, Romanian, etc, after the EU expanded. When it expands again all the Turks will be able to come.