Scandelous Studio Tales
Scandelous Studio Tales
Anyone remember this 18-rated stonker? I'd be interested tolearn about the girls (especially the "studio owner", Elizabeth)Was it based on a real studio? And did any released version actuallynot cut off before the end, where the studio address was to berevealed? (All the ones I bought ended prematurely) Now be honest,Mr McCavity 

Re: Scandelous Studio Tales
Eh ! I think it was a real studio, real photographer etc. Manchester Photographer John Leather in his studios, Don't know about the end bit at that time we had Remmingtons brothers helping in the copybanks with any problems we needed. (or didn't need they just supplied them anyway) DD ptoductions have the rights to it now and they had it in catelogue while ago. I will check with my 18 distributer to see if he has one under his bed then I can tell you more,Phil Mc
Re: Scandelous Studio Tales
Thanks Phil! I'm really interested in the career of Elizabeth.In the interview she was led (I think by your good self) toadmit that she had done some "much naughtier work" and I doremember her as a frequently appearing model in mags fromaround then. Any idea if she did any film or video work? Sheand a couple of other of the girls from the studio have turnedup in Fiona Cooper products, but I guess that's no surprise...