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Re: good riddance

Post by planeterotica »

No doubt the media circus will now move on to their next scenerio, gun crime is common in South London and rarely makes the news but when it happens in the North East its a big story, what about the guy he killed he seems to be forgotten !sad!

one eyed jack
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Re: Moat

Post by one eyed jack »

I have said many a word abouit Moat in anger because like some here I first thought baout those many forgeot whyle they were applauding his efforts at eluding the police.

I do feel sorry forhis family and those who have to endure the stigma of what he has done. Lets not forget they are innocvent victimes too but what i am finding hard to deal with is how he went from being a roid abusing arse hole who shot 3 people (one dead) to becoming an antio hero to many because of the fuck ups of the police.

Its like he went from zero to hero within a few days because he is now dead.

I dont know what to beleive for the simple fact I have not seen any of it with my own eyes but I did wonder when I saw the psychotic look of the officer with the tazer on Friday night and the thought did cross my mind that maybe they wouklduse reverse psychology on the guy to encourage him to take his own head off.

Not that I dont understand that. I just dont condone it. I wanted Raoul Moat to live so that that every day he was inside, he will know and hiopefully if there is any shred of humanity left in him and I think there is, he would live to regret his actions and become living proof of hwt happens when you think irrationally for a moment and let jealousy and anger posion your mind.

Some people think that people like him are beyond feeling anything. Who knows? At the point where he took his own life, regret may have washed over him making it easier to do what he did.

I think we will never know now. Theres a bit of Raoul Moat in all of us and while I may not apper to be forgiving of what he has done I cant help but feel he is still a human being that fucked up really bad.

That in itself is the real tragedy
David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson »

"They (the police) couldn't locate him, so they turned the local people against him"

So you think that the fact that Moat fired a shotgun at his ex-girlfriend, the mother of his child, killed her new boyfriend and shot a policeman, he didn't know in the face, possibly blinding him - all in cold blood, mightn't have done away with the need to "turn local people against him".

Or does the above count as normal behaviour round your way?

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Re: good riddance

Post by Robches »

wayne wrote:

> I now love the whole police conspiricy story doing the rounds
> now of how they had to kill him because he was some super
> clever crim who had outwitted them, not just just a roid
> abusing fuckwit.

The worrying thing it that he was a roid abusing fuckwit, and he did manage to outwit the coppers. They seem to have been so busy posing in their flak vests and Heckler & Kochs that they forget to look down a storm drain. Not exactly the most secret of hiding places was it?
one eyed jack
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Re: Moat

Post by one eyed jack »

They seem to have been so busy posing in their flak vests and Heckler & Kochs that they forget to look down a storm drain. Not exactly the most secret of hiding places was it?

Yeah but sarge...

It smells down there. !laugh!
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Re: Moat

Post by Intimate »

David, why have you ignored this part of my post:-

"I am not claiming that they were for him"

Did it not suit your rant?

And where I live there have been a fair few murders yes, my attitude and I suspect that of most people when someone is murdered is that its awful, but none of my business as I do not know the facts, and I certainly have never felt the inclanation to play Sherlock Holmes and hunt down a suspect, perhaps thats what you do?
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Re: Moat

Post by alicia_fan_uk »

A dude called "Moat" hiding in the rivers? God is smiling down on the tabloids with that one, surely...!?
David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson »

I am not choosing to ignore what you said.

If you would like it in full, you said,

"They couldn't locate him, so they turned the local people against him, I am not claiming that they were for him, some may have been, but they created a situation of panic, anyone seeing Moat would now report back to them and do their dirty work, work that they were incapable of doing themselves."

To repeat, Moat committed a premeditated murder, turned a shotgun on his child's mother and shot and potentially blinded, a policeman who was sat defenceless in his car. With that as a background, why should the police need to "turn the local people against him" in order for Joe Public to want to get a murderer off the streets.

Maybe disagreeing with you is sufficient for you to refer to anyone's message as a rant. It's not a rant. It is a statement of the bleeding obvious.

Then you say
"And where I live there have been a fair few murders yes, my attitude and I suspect that of most people when someone is murdered is that its awful, but none of my business as I do not know the facts, and I certainly have never felt the inclanation to play Sherlock Holmes and hunt down a suspect, perhaps thats what you do?"

WIth regard to playing Sherlock Holmes, which part of the murder of his ex-girlfriend's boyfriend, the attempted murder of his ex-girlfriend and the attempted murder of the policeman did he not do then? You yourself said "Moat, even allowing for the atrocities he had committed and capping a rozzer"

Its you who is obviously a bit of a bar-room Sherlock Holmes with all this stuff about how the police fabricated evidence such as a dictaphone etc etc.

Dont make me laugh!

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Re: Intimate

Post by Intimate »

"WIth regard to playing Sherlock Holmes, which part of the murder of his ex-girlfriend's boyfriend, the attempted murder of his ex-girlfriend and the attempted murder of the policeman did he not do then? You yourself said "Moat, even allowing for the atrocities he had committed and capping a rozzer"

I was clearly referring to FINDING Moat in Rothbury, you know - where he was hiding for a week - not whether or not he had killed anyone. But then you obviously grasped that but thought it would be easier to answer a different point of your own invention.

The Police could not find him, and used the media to scare locals into doing their job for them, pretty simple.

He had been wandering up and down the bloody high street during the week, raiding allotments and going in peoples houses - even then, in the biggest manhunt the UK has seen it was taking them 24 HOURS to respond to sightings and break ins in the village.
David Johnson
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Re: Intimate

Post by David Johnson »

"The Police could not find him, and used the media to scare locals into doing their job for them, pretty simple. "

According to you, the police used the media to scare locals into doing their job for them by fabricating evidence to the effect that he was going to target the public and fabricated a story about him leaving messages on a dictaphone..

That is clearly what you have been saying. My point, which you categorically refuse to answer, has nothing to do with police incompetence or otherwise, is

Do you not think that the locals would already be scared of a guy who had murdered someone, shot a defenceless policeman and shot his ex girlfriend. Do you not think that to have this guy in their midst would be enough for terrified locals to report sightings to the police without the police feeling the need to "fabricate" further evidence?
