Ashes to Ashes

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Ashes to Ashes

Post by b217bravo »

Can anyone explain what happened?
I am assuming that all the main characters, except DCI Hunt, were in fact already dead & at the end they all went to the pub where, at 906, Alex died & they all returned to the after life, leaving Gene Hunt very much alive outside the pub.
What was the significance of the dead copper buried in the field?
What did happen to Sam Tyler?
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Re: Ashes to Ashes

Post by Ned »


Jim Pembry
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Re: Ashes to Ashes

Post by Jim Pembry »

They're all dead, Hunt included.

The body in the field is that of a young Gene Hunt, the ghost who's been haunting Alex throughout the third series. Upon his death, Gene neither ascended to heaven, nor was he damned to hell. Rather he exists in a state of limbo.

The 1970s Manchester of Life on Mars & 1980s London of Ashes to Ashes are Genes constructs, where he acts as a guiding light for dead coppers. Those who have yet to reconcile themselves with their deaths (Sam, Annie, Ray, Chris, Shaz & Alex).

Jim Keats is either the devil incarnate or one of his minions, tearing at the fabric of the construct in a bid to turn them against Gene. Having driven a wedge, Keats offers temptation in the form of the perfect police department, a far cry from Hunts CID. All they have to do is step into the elevator. If they do so they'll sell their souls and be damned for all eternity.

Ultimately their loyalty and love for Gene prevails and they join him for one last job. Following the successful completion of which, Ray, Chris, Shaz & Alex, now at peace, ascend to heaven which is symbolised by the Pub. Sam & Annie have already moved onto a higher plain.

Hunt, either unable or unready to join them, remains in limbo. Ashes to Ashes then ends much as Life on Mars began with an out of time copper staggering into the world of Gene Hunt ...

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If you don't want to read that...

Post by Ned »

Gene World is the plane between our world and heaven or hell. The young Gene was killed on his first week as a copper, and he was full of bravado so when he ended up that world, which is where people go who die in bad circumstances (they have to find peace to move on or end up never coming to terms with things and go to hell) he became who he always wanted to be. Gary Cooper, a hero copper.

He is there to guide people to "heaven" and has taken on the job instinctively to do so, so with Ray, Shaz and Chris his role was to give them peace so they could move on. Jim Keats is there as the tempter, the man who tries to keep people from finding that peace so he can take them to "hell". An agent of the Devil, if you like.

Sam Tyler and Alex Drake are both in comas when they go to that world, with one foot in reality. In Sam's case he woke up, felt that he didn't fit in any more so committed suicide to go back. Later on he was ready to move on so Gene helped him on his way.

Alex was in a coma until the beginning of series three, when she died.
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Re: Ashes to Ashes

Post by b217bravo »

Thanks guys, with the exception of Gene ,much as I suspected.
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Re: Ashes to Ashes

Post by nikonman »

With Gene being such a popular character, could it not be that the reason he did not go over is because they could resurrect him for a new series.
I know the article in The Guardian says no, but how many times have we heard that before.

Don't forget our new PM was happy to be likened to him in the election posters.

Anyway both Life on Mars and Ashes to Ashes have been great series
Pity about the Quatro
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Re: Ashes to Ashes

Post by SpannerProductions »

Hi Mate,

Jim's explanation pretty much hit's the nail on the head (if the truth is anymore complicated than that I didn't get it either)
Alledgedly in some of the more 'Humerous' daily papers there was talk of a complete spin off series , basically just a copper show set in the 8o's - but apparently all the cast and crew wanted to go out on a high - which was probably a good idea.
Another funny thing I read recently was that after the first series'Life on mars' they needed to do some serious repair work to the Quatro but had problems finding the parts - so they turned to the nice helpful people on E-bay and suddenly the prices doubled / trebled or just went plain thru the roof !grin!

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Re: Ashes to Ashes

Post by Meatus »

I Think the reason Gene can't go into the bar (cross over) is that he is yet to be discovered yet. You see it on the news in Alex's hospital room that the Body of Gene in the field is not discovered by detectives until 2010. I'm guessing you have to have the body, go through the burial ritual before you can cross over, therefore from 1983 with the guy bursting through the doors until 2010 when his body is discovered Gene will be the guide for other coppers to cross over!?
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Re: Ashes to Ashes

Post by mrchapel »

He doesn`t go into the bar because he doesn`t want to, not because he can`t. He stays behind to help the lost because he see`s himself as Gary Cooper in High Noon, he`s the sheriff in a lawless town.
Only thing I want to know is how come at the end of series one when Alex`s Dad blew himself up, how did Alex remember Gene being the one picking her up

Bukkake shots where you are with a few other fucking gay.

In fact, about pulling trains with a wanna have sex with other guys and mix your sperm with're just using a woman as a conduit.

Fag..--Inside Clyde
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Re: If you don't want to read that...

Post by westfrench »

Hi mate

tell me there is any chance to have contact with shaz the actress from scotland ?

many thanks