15 year old stabbed to death by crazed mob!

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Re: 15 year old stabbed to death by crazed mob!

Post by myson »

Indeed Lizard,
Another problem is, your liberal Tarquin types won't differentiate between "discipline" and "abuse", to them, both are one and the same.

These "yobbos" are quick to shout about THEIR human rights but totally ignore other peoples right NOT to have their lives made hell by their behaviour.
I believe that we should have "rights" but with rights comes "responsibility".


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Re: 15 year old stabbed to death by crazed mob!

Post by davey »

its the benefits of diversity Jim.gangs of Africans having prearranged battles with gangs of Arabs.dont forget they enrich our culture.courtesy of the LIB/LAB/CON coming to your neighbourhood real soon

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Re: 15 year old stabbed to death by crazed mob!

Post by mrmcfister »

Hi Jim,
It is called an underclass and they're growing.Fortunately I wont be around when it gets really bad.There are some parts of this country that are a disgrace.You get stabbed for looking at someone the wrong way.It is NEVER going to get better only slowly worse.Those that can afford to live away from the scum do so.The scum can fester in their own shit.I feel sorry for the decent folk who get left behind.Can I do anything for them?Very little.
David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson »

"Why is it whenever anyone comes up with a tongue-in-cheek solution, liberal do-gooders like you SCREAM BNP?
Stop being a cunt"

So you are the only person that can use satire on the Forum are you?

It obviously comes as a surprise to you, but I don't really, really think that the BNP will send death squads round the country.

Perhaps you need to re-read your reply to me and think again about who is acting like a "cunt" ?

Just so you get it, in future I will add a little addendum "For Jonesy, I'm not being serious!"

David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson »

"its the benefits of diversity Jim.gangs of Africans having prearranged battles with gangs of Arabs.dont forget they enrich our culture.courtesy of the LIB/LAB/CON coming to your neighbourhood real soon"

Too right Davey, crime in this country was non-existent until the fuzzy wuzzies turned up.

David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson »

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Re: 15 year old stabbed to death by crazed mob!

Post by jimslip »

You said:
"The only way to save this country now is to turn it into a fascist state with complete lock-down and have death squads going around eradicating all the vermin who make decent law abiding peoples lifes a misery"

That's the trouble with you liberals!....................LOL

Stepping back a little from that, I believe a new paramilitary police force should be created. They have one and one and only function to police the streets and act on strict definitions of "Anti social behaviour" They travel in armoured Land Rovers and are not bound by the normal rules of arrest or questioning. However they have CCTV attached to their helmets (Don't laugh) with timecodes, if the camera's fail they can no longer function are are themselves subject to prosecution.This then protects "Normal" folk against police attack.

However this is the good bit. Their function is merely to bring louts in for "Questioning", unfortunately for the lout, the questioning goes on for 10 hours. The questioning is actually filling out endless forms.

So for example if you are a hapless individual being terrorised by unruly thugs you can complain to the police, they simply arrive and bring in suspects for questioning, they don't even bother charging them. They must sit there doing the forms and then when the forms are perfect they are released. Next time there is more trouble the local louts are dragged in again and again and again. Very soon innocent youths would be being trawled in with the actual louts and then peer pressure would come into play. Eventually, there would be calm, without any charges ever being made.

If it still didn't work, then execute them and hang their lifeless bodies from lamp posts, this would probably do the trick! LOL

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Sarah Kelly
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Re: 15 year old stabbed to death by crazed mob!

Post by Sarah Kelly »

might i suggest the second time they are brought in they get the 20 hour forms? just in case any think .. " 10 hours,did it before,can do it again-will breeze it " ...

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Re: Davey

Post by ECG1 »

David Johnson wrote:

> Too right Davey, crime in this country was non-existent until
> the fuzzy wuzzies turned up.
> D

Ah, yet more David Johnson sarcasm...

To ignore the cultural significance of this specific murder is ignoring the issue that continues to grow.

"Africans, Arabs, Blacks"...
To simply acknowledge that there are growing problems with knife crime in a minority of London's young ethnic community is racist, right?

The stop-and-search law that permitted a police officer to act on suspicion of carrying weapons were scrapped because they were said to be a form of racial harassment by people like you.

People like you who are in denial help to form the ultimate consequence which is that young men of ethnicity are left unprotected in unpoliced neighbourhoods, and that many mothers are left to grieve for their children.

When a child has been stabbed, having the police combing the scene for forensic evidence after the event offers little consolation.

What the grieving mothers need is effective, realistic policing that will prevents this type of murder. Not denial and not sarcasm.

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Re: 15 year old stabbed to death by crazed mob!

Post by jimslip »

You are right of course. In Hungary (Where I spend alot of time) justice is dished out as required. One night Lara and i were on a bus, there was a guy standing at the front, very lithe, about my age, looked ex forces. Anyway 3 hoody type yobs, about 16 years old, got on the bus and started mucking around near the front. They didn't care about the bloke standing, "just an old cunt", they probably thought.

Anyway the buses there carry big wheel chocks inside and one of the yobs grabbed it out of its housing and chucked it on the floor in the gangway. The standing bloke politely asked the lout to put it back at which the lout must have sworn at him. The standing guy hesitated a second and then slapped the lout so hard that the yob flew from one side of the bus to the other.The standing blokes speed was astonishing. The other yobs were stunned and the head lout started to sob crumpled in the corner of the seat.

It was a sight to be seen and relished.We were also in shock to see justice so quickly and effectively dispensed. The guy got off, the louts then got off at the next stop, pretending they were actually going to find the guy LOL

Another time some lout speeding in his car nearly knocked over a couple at a crossing, he swore at the husband, who went over and knocked on the lout's window. The lout wound down his window at which point the husband actually climbed through the window raining blows on the hapless yob, again it was a sight to enjoy and relish seeing the bloodied yob driving off, happy days!!

I'm sure you've seen this already but here's some justice being dished out to a lout UK style. Enjoy:

Winner "Best Loved Character"TVX SHAFTAS 2010
Winner of "Best On-Line scene & Best Gonzo Production" at UKAP Awards 2006
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