Violet Storm

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.
joe king

Re: None of them worked Joe.

Post by joe king »

I can see them.

Re: None of them worked Joe.

Post by joey »

Probably because your browser has cached them, Joe.
joe king

Re: None of them worked Joe.

Post by joe king »

I cleared all the pic files in the temporary internet files folder and the pics are reloading. are you using netscape navigator?

Re: None of them worked Joe.

Post by joey »

Yep, but as I say, I think the block is on the server - if it sees a referrer url (ie the page that the image is being loaded into) that is foreign, it's not serving the image, with some consistency. Once I right click and view image I get the same as you - the image appears in the page when I go back to your bgafd forum messages.

Oh, and BTW, you are missing a close table tag on your Leanne McQueen page, but fortunately you left the directory at
open... :-)


Post by Ned »

I have right clicked Joe's pics in the posts and all I get is that Porn Search pop-up. Bollocks to it!! Netscape by the way.

Re: Violet Storm-concur Shes plain man!

Post by Scottie »

here! here!!!Who the hell thinks this bird is attractive?Personally I would not touch her with yours Claymore.
Phil K

Re: Violet Storm

Post by Phil K »

I think the problems are mainly with the free host. The 'referrer' url problem described earlier in the thread is correct I think ... though strangely enough the pictures in the above message showed up for me and I *know* I haven't got them cached...

More to the point, while claiming to offer unlimited bandwidth these servers control traffic levels in other ways. Once a set number of connections is exceeded on the server you either get 'not found' and/or enter the pop-up nightmare.

Ned - if you can access newsgroups, I'll repost the pictures in an appropriate group if you want them. Alternatively, I don't mind sticking the site up somewhere else if anyone can recommend a better, free, adult host...

Newsgroups no go

Post by Ned »

I don't really understand them, despite posts instructing me on their use. Never mind. If she's all tats and pins, much as I like that look with some women, I really prefer her newer image.

Where's Phil McCavity thesedays?