The amazingly ugly Violet Storm ;-)

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.
joe king

The amazingly ugly Violet Storm ;-)

Post by joe king »


violet and stuff

violet 2

Re: The amazingly ugly Violet Storm ;-)

Post by alec »

Clicked on one of the thumbs in violet 2 and was led into pop-ups not the actual picture.

BTW in relation to the header - I know you meant it in jest in response to other posts, but would all users of this forum tone down the personal remarks (and wild accusations). Preferences as to looks vary and we should tolerate the tastes of other people. Disagreement can be expressed without resorting to insults towards the poster or the girls about whom the opinion is being expressed. I know that sounds pompous, but I said something similar a few months ago a little more colourfully. Just a reminder.
joe king

Re: The amazingly ugly Violet Storm ;-)

Post by joe king »

thanks for the feedback alec. Problem fixed (file too big to upload -lower res replacement).

Re: comments

Post by Caractacus »

Agreed, Alec. It's fairly obvious a few posters have a certain antipathy towards some of the girls. That's their choice, but there's no need to be abusive or insulting in expressing it. Ms Storm, for example, may not be my particular cup of char, but I wouldn't be derogatory about her looks (that particular greenhouse I wouldn't want to throw stones at, believe me!!!). It would be a boring old world if we all liked the same things and people.

Think i stole the pomposity award, Alec!

Re: The amazingly ugly Violet Storm ;-)

Post by Ned »

Once again a Violet failure. No thumbnails, just a fucking great pair of ad banners and nothing else. My browser will access other sites perfectly. Perhaps I have an anti-Violet filter.
Frustrated Ned


Post by Frustrated Ned »

Sod it. I'll stick to yanks!


Post by Krome »

Is that yanks as in yanks of your knob or yanks as in Americans?
porn lover

Out of order

Post by porn lover »

You may think she is ugly...OK but you have no right to make your feelings public on a board like this....
I have met the lady in question and she is a very nice person...
Please keep your insults to yourself.

Re: Out of order

Post by alec »

Did you see His smiley, i.e. :) ? And did you read my post above? I agree with your general thrust, but it doesn't apply to Joe.
Phil McC

Re: Out of order

Post by Phil McC »

Hi guys just back from Mallorca with Violet, we were doing a story on Shag-a-luff great fun great weather etc. I was pissed most of the time but surprizingly the pictures have came out ok a true professional, (well auto camera really).
So you should see the results in the Sunday Sport in about two weeks interesting header on this thread I bet he has a small weener they always do, I have some new pictures of Violet which the guys have been working on and they look great, we interviewed Hans Moser while there and had photos of him and Violet done together he likes her so that's a great sign as is how many people jump to her defence me included when some small person with no honour slings some shit around,
Me I am just a x-car thief from Glasgow so what do I know I recond she is top class bird still I know her better than most and if she gave me half the chance I would be like the rat up a story, Still I can but dream (and pull).

Phil McC for news at 69,