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Re: Religion.

Post by Lizard »

I dont know, but the Swiss seem to have had enough of being told what to do..

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Re: Religion.

Post by Peter »

I presume in good old EU tradition, they'll be asked to vote again (and again) until the 'correct' result is achieved?

Oh, for the opportunity to vote over here.............
We have need of you again, great king.
Dave Wells
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Re: Religion.

Post by Dave Wells »

Yep, load of old bollocks !

Dave Wells
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Re: Religion.

Post by Lizard »

Peter, you will get your chance come next May or June, there is a clear choice, Gordon Mandleson for another 5yrs, or David the Cameraman..

I know, grim isn't it?

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Re: Religion.

Post by Peter »

Fat lot of good that will do. My vote only counts if I vote Labour, due to living in a Labour stronghold and a 'first past the post' system.
We have need of you again, great king.
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Re: Religion.

Post by mrmcfister »

Anyone her Today today? Bishop was on telling us how we should remember the religeous aspects of Christmas (yawn) anyway great line similar to .'I want people to enjoy Christmas but they must remember that
Jesus was really born in manger and etc etc'. Guffawed all through me cornflakes!

Anyone that has not The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins should do so.A classic .The bible of the athiest!
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Re: Religion.

Post by titluver »

yes a great book and his new book about why evolution is true is out now and on my christmas list. the arguement for god existing is based on belief not fact. to prove it would mean you infact doubt and therefore lack faith. the true catch all that all faiths have. god was made by man to explain everything, death, desease,the universe, bad luck, bad harvests etc. non believers must wear their beliefs in the open just like religious people.
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Re: Religion.

Post by Deano! »

Cant resist this old joke - Did you hear about the dyslexic Jehovah's Witness? He spent every Saturday morning knocking on doors to spread the word of Dog.

You don't have to be religious to believe in God just like by belonging to a religion doesn't mean you must truly believe in God. I don't see why you have to join a religion to decide if He's there or not. If there is a God, He should have arranged things so that we ultimately come the conclusion that he exists without having to rely on some geezer 'revealing the truth'.

Phwooorr...look at her....CRASH