Katie Price turned down for 'Forces Sweetheart' !

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Sam Slater
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Re: Katie Price turned down for 'Forces Sweetheart

Post by Sam Slater »

[quote]That revolting Katie Price woman, who is never out of the media and who is arrogant enough to think the whole nation is interested in her moronic life,[/quote]

The papers still sell millions with her all over the covers. Whether it's the people buying the papers or the journalists involved with deciding what goes to press, any arrogance in thinking people are interested in her daily life is well founded.

Funnily enough, you taking notice, and a delight, in her being refused this 'Forces Sweetheart' title is taking an interest in her life.

[quote]This parody of a person, with her hugely inflated tits, her one brain cell, and her perchant for pretending to write books that she never wrote one word of, is clearly someone our soldiers do NOT want to see![/quote]

Ooof. Such venom and bitchiness! She made a living out of what she got and took her opportunities without hurting anyone. Are you saying people shouldn't do that, Max?

[quote]She should be taken out there, dumped in the middle of the desert, and left there![/quote]

And that'll show her! Hey, Max? That'll be a warning to all girls who decide to make a living out of their looks *looks around to check we're not having this discussion on a porn forum or anything......cos that would be a bit hypocritical*

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
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Re: Katie Price turned down for 'Forces Sweetheart

Post by max_tranmere »

Sam, most glamour models are not like her. They do not make a living out of who they date, who they didn't date, dragging their disabled son to photoshoots as it is a way of her getting more and more coverage in garbage like 'Hello' magazine (that, the fact her disabled son is used as a prop, is something i REALLY condemn!). Thanks to her we now have a kind of celebrity that was previously only really known in America - where fame and infamy are really the same things; vacous, hollow celebrity - a kind of Jeremy Kyle type celebrity now taking centre-stage in our culture and it being sort of respected, and she has also diminished the literary world because it is no longer seen as admirable of an achievement if you are an author.

Years ago it was 'wow, you wrote a book, that's so much work!'. Because of people like her making the fashion of pretending to write books that she didn't write, and just having her name on the cover, and people expecting that, it means people who are actual writers - who manually write novels, actually write the thing themselves like I'm writing this now, are looked at as 'did you write that, were you just interviewed and you verbally told the jist of what you think the story should be and someone else wrote it?'.

Do you see. People like Price have cheapened what it means to write a book. I wonder which area of our day-to-day life this idiot will assault next. Maybe she'll pretend to be a painter, even though she has never held a brush in her life, and make it so that people who actually paint (for real) end up being viewed by some as possibly just the person who said what they wanted the painting to look like while someone else painted it.

I wish she would emigrate. She has harmed our country a lot - the worst elements of American, trashy, media culture, is mainstream now - and she has diminished the standing and respectibility of authors. I had heard of ghost-written autobiographies before, but I've never heard of a ghost-written novel before this idiot made that a mainstream thing.
Sam Slater
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Re: Katie Price turned down for 'Forces Sweetheart

Post by Sam Slater »

[quote]Sam, most glamour models are not like her. They do not make a living out of who they date, who they didn't date, dragging their disabled son to photoshoots as it is a way of her getting more and more coverage in garbage like 'Hello' magazine[/quote]

That's not through the lack of trying, Max. Are you saying a Poppy Morgan would turn down say, a hundred grand to let a ghost writer write a story on her life in the industry? Are you saying it would be wrong to take up the opportunity? Give me a break.

[quote]Do you see. People like Price have cheapened what it means to write a book.[/quote]

No she hasn't. Ok, you can decide that you don't want to read books about celebs when they haven't written them themselves, that's fair enough, but surely her story has kept fans entertained, writers and publishers in work etc? None of this makes Katie Price any more immoral than your average girl. Denying her making a living by telling a story -even if it's only told to a ghost writer- is to deny her the opportunity to make a living and denies any fans the right to read about her. What sort of country would that be?

[quote]I wish she would emigrate.[/quote]

I don't. I bet she pays quite a bit of tax back into the country as well as keep a few Brits in employment. Surely you don't want other nations to benefit from her taxes and business when all the money she's earned has been from the British public? I think it's admirable that she hasn't pissed off for the tax breaks and cheaper way of life.

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
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Re: Katie Price turned down for 'Forces Sweetheart' !

Post by RoddersUK »


Squaddies never change.
There will be some who would see her just as a picture on the wall or in a strop mag to have a wank over. As to going to a concert to see her live, I very much doubt it. I for one would never have left the Sgts Mess to see the fucking slapper.

Dylan Devere
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Re: Katie Price turned down for 'Forces Sweetheart' !

Post by Dylan Devere »

Poor thing- it's been a bad week for her..... asda has said they will no longer stock her underwear range...

form an orderly queue for jokes about the slappers knickers getting dropped.

Much more than a handful but never a waste.

Toyboys always welcome in this MILF's panties.

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Re: Katie Price turned down for 'Forces Sweetheart' !

Post by jimslip »

Katherine Jenkins is a FUCKING BABE! !love!

Winner "Best Loved Character"TVX SHAFTAS 2010
Winner of "Best On-Line scene & Best Gonzo Production" at UKAP Awards 2006
Winner of Best TVX series 2011, "Laras Anal Adventures"
Sam Slater
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Re: Katie Price turned down for 'Forces Sweetheart' !

Post by Sam Slater »

Fat ankles.

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
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Re: Katie Price turned down for 'Forces Sweetheart' !

Post by Deano! »

Jordan is a fucking jizz magnet.

Here is a girl who has devoted her life so far to driving us men utterly mad in a nice way. The only reason a girl gets her tits pumped full of silicon is to please us. And all you can do is criticise. Outrageous.

It's not her fault that she's over exposed. She doesn't control TV networks and newspapers. They willingly feature her and millions of fans buy papers or tune in.

I do not understand this strange hatred of sexy girls, but its becoming fashionable. "Beam me up Scotty".

Phwooorr...look at her....CRASH
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Re: Katie Price turned down for 'Forces Sweetheart' !

Post by max_tranmere »

Deano, it certainly IS her fault that she is in papers and magazines all the time. She has representatives, really sleazy PR people, the kind who get girls money for selling their 'I shagged a famous footballer' stories to tabloid newspapers. These sleaze-brokers also represent airheads like Jordan, and that male bimbo former singer that she used to go out with. Exclusives in those awful magazines like 'Hello' and 'OK' are certainly done with the subject's consent as the magazine will pay them for the exclusive interview and photoshoot.

That Jordan woman is only famous for being famous. Most people who appear in magazines are in them because they are famous for something else - popstar, actor, etc. Jordan is in these magazines because she is famous for appearing in magazines. As for her being attractive, her basketball sized tits are gross and she is so thick it would be hard to hold a conversation with her about anything deep. She has helped further American-ise our country, damaged the literary world as fakery is now mainstream, and is an appalling example of the modern day woman.

I wonder what the Suffragette's of years ago would think now if they were here - a typical example of the modern woman being somone like her. Where are the women who are famous for achieving, in science and medicine, captains of industry, and so on. No, we have Jordan, one of the UK's most famous women and she is only known for who she dates, who she dumps, and having enourmous tits...
Sam Slater
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Re: Katie Price turned down for 'Forces Sweetheart' !

Post by Sam Slater »

[quote]Deano, it certainly IS her fault that she is in papers and magazines all the time.[/quote]

We had this debate about Jade Goody. What would you have her do, Max? Keep out of the magazines just to please you? We're all entitled to earn a living any way we choose as long as we're not hurting anyone else so what's your problem?

[quote]She has representatives, really sleazy PR people, the kind who get girls money for selling their 'I shagged a famous footballer' stories to tabloid newspapers.[/quote]

So she's also employing people then? Would you have here lay them all off and risk them losing their homes? She pays tax and they pay tax...surely this is good for everyone?

[quote]Exclusives in those awful magazines like 'Hello' and 'OK' are certainly done with the subject's consent as the magazine will pay them for the exclusive interview and photoshoot.[/quote]

Yep, and the companies behind these magazines are earning a packet as well, I bet, keeping more people in work and paying taxes. Another positive.

[quote]That Jordan woman is only famous for being famous.[/quote]

That's a stupid argument. She's famous for being a glamour model, firstly, which has taken her to the point of being a popular media personality. Are you saying glamour models shouldn't try and become popular and make themselves a little money for their retirement like other people?

[quote]As for her being attractive, her basketball sized tits are gross and she is so thick it would be hard to hold a conversation with her about anything deep.[/quote]

Rather harsh. Do you know her then? Whether you find her attractive or not isn't really relevant here. You just seem upset about her being a success. I don't find Poppy Morgan attractive but if she makes herself a few million quid without doing anything illegal/immoral then I say good for her!

[quote]She has helped further American-ise our country, damaged the literary world as fakery is now mainstream, and is an appalling example of the modern day woman. [/quote]

That's bullshit. I have nieces and nephews between the ages of 5 and 13. All the kids' tv stuff is American shiite and has been the past 5 years at least. American movies, music, sitcoms and food outlets have been influencing our culture for years -especially since satellite tv became available- so to blame a single glamour model for something so big is hilarious. And what do you mean by 'damaged the literary world'? (lets ignore your use of the Americanism 'fakery' for now.....lol...did you get that from Jordan?!) Are you saying would be literary classics are being overlooked in favour of Katie Price biographies? I doubt it, Max. And even if true you'd have to ask why such a scenario has evolved. It would surely mean publishers and stockists are following the mighty ??? rather than literary progress and so the real problem you should be taking to task is capitalism itself.

Not that any of what I've said will make a difference to you. You base all your views on how they make you feel and reason/fairness never really comes into it.

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]