Nick Griffin on Question Time

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David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson »

"As previously stated I have nothig to prove or deny, nor I have I anything to debate or discuss."

Exactly, your contribution appears to be gratuitous insults by the look of it. That is my point!

PS. Since you slagged off Sarah Kelly for her grammar, would you like to do a quick check of your sentence above?
David Johnson
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Re: JR/Grammar

Post by David Johnson »

"Your last comment is fucking unbelievable! And you have the bare faced cheek to condemn those who disagree with you? You're more of a self righteous egomaniac than Griffin"

Quite a range of insults, wouldnt you agree?

Completely uncalled for insults in return for using an analogy, comparing the pain and suffering of people who have lost relatives in the Holocaust (the loss having been denied by Griffin) with that of parents who have had their child abused?

Perhaps you thought I was accusing Griffin of being a paedophile. I was not. It was an analogy!

Have a good weekend.

PS. It's disdain, not distain.
Sarah Kelly
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Re: Captain Wow?

Post by Sarah Kelly »

two sentences which individually mean nothing but put together,are hilarious... !laugh!

Always certed,works to Hard BG/GG/ANAL/DP+EXTREME Fetish.
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I turn up prepared,on time,ready to shoot what you want as I`m RELIABLE! ;)

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Re: Nick Griffin on Question Time

Post by RoddersUK »

Griffin is the most ignorant bigoted bastard I have seen for many a year, as are his followers and his bodyguard. Fer fucks sake, take a look at them. They don't need a sign on their foreheads, we can see that they are thick as pigshit.
As for the bastard using our armed forces in their ludicrous adverts it is beyond the pale. Brit squaddies don't give a fuck what colour someone is next to them if the bullets and bombs are flying. Only if he can do his job.
Some of the best soldiers I ever served with were from Fiji and as black as coal, but finer soldiers you would be hard placed to find.
BNP, bunch of twatttttttts!

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Re: JR

Post by dynatech »

What about the validity of pain Muslims feel when they are slaughtered in bombing campaigns when their countries are illegally invaded? I would also like to bring to attention that when Nookie Bear accused the major parties of being intent on invading Iran next on Question Time, not one of them denied it. And, as a particular aside of your argument, due in part to the mass influx of asylum seekers in recent years "Thousands of people in this country have lost family members or friends" in the never-to-end "war on terror" in Afghanistan & Iraq, maybe even just as many UK citizens who lost relatives in the Holocaust now. All those (ongoing) deaths were rubber-stamped by the likes of Jack Straw & Tony "Mr President" Blair

Oh, by the way I aren't BNP or indeed affiliated to any political party.

Also the way you brought paedophilia into this argument is abhorant, as any intelligent person knows the use of such false emotive paedohysteria is the one weapon being used against us by the worlds political 'elite' to erode our freedoms and liberties - evidence of which can be seen in droves over the past tiresome decade. It's "an analogy of the horror and despair" used all too often to brainwash the masses, and by playing that card you show your true colours as one of lifes manipulators

They're locking them up today, they're throwing away the key...I wonder who it be tomorrow, you or me?