Will we ever have REAL democracy?

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Re: A Solution.........

Post by RoddersUK »


Politicians should be controlled by their selection committees, not the PMs fucking bullyboys in the Whips Office.
If a politician fucked up, he or she should be held to account by their selectors, and, if found wanting they should be sacked and replaced with one who will represent their constituents.
Being held responsible would concentrate their minds methinks and I believe we would get a better standard of representation.
It is an idea and I wonder if anyone else thinks so too.
Imagine, a politician not filling their boots like the present bunch have been found guilty of doing.

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Re: Will we ever have REAL democracy?

Post by colonel »

Check out Ireland- where the Commons [Dail] is herediatery and the Senate fair and democratic!
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Re: Will we ever have REAL democracy?

Post by max_tranmere »

Annual elections may be a good idea, and have campaigning for them to be no more than the 4 weeks prior to the election. That will stop people tricking the public into voting for them, breaking all the promises they made within a few months, and laughing at the electorate who now arent able to vote for another 5 years. This was a speciality of Thatcher and Major. Also have state funding of political parties, which would stop rich people and corporations from being able to buy favours from a government, and independant scrutiny committee's should exist to look at whether a party in Government ever spends public money on personal gain. Another speciality of Thatcher and Major. This would all be a good start...
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Re: Will we ever have REAL democracy?

Post by Muffinman »

Haven't you been paying attention to those posts that have actually answered your question?

NO - we will never have REAL democracy. All the trends are towards authoritarian control and supranational bureaucracy.

Trying to come up with ways to make Britain more democratic reminds me of a book I once read. It was called The Rape of The Netherlands by Eelco van Kleffens.

Van Kleffens was Foreign Minister in the Dutch government when the Nazis invaded, and having escaped became a minister in the Government-in-Exile in London.

The book was an attempted justification of Dutch neutrality in the years leading up to 1940 - and I threw it across the room because in the 1930s the policy of political neutrality between Germany and Britain was quite simply INSANE.

Equally insane (I don't mean this personally, almost everyone is doing it) is attempting to say what SHOULD happen in order to make this country more democratic.

It's over. The European Union will soon be our supranational master - if we continue to identify with the politics of liberal democracy. It won't matter whether you are opposed to it or not, because - like the Nazi invasion of Holland - it is real.

October 1962 was the occasion when Labour Party leader Hugh Gaitskell made the speech below at the party conference. Read it, and recognise the last honest Labour OR Conservative leader this country ever had.

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Re: Will we ever have REAL democracy?

Post by colonel »

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Re: Will we ever have REAL democracy?

Post by RoddersUK »

I think Jim Callaghan and Dennis Healy should be included with Gaitskill. Since them there has been NO HONEST POLITICIAN, of either party. Thpough Paddy Pantsdown for the Lib dunno what to do party was pretty good. I'm sure he chose them because he had too many entrenched arseholes in the Tories and Labour to scramble over to get to the top.
I knew a bootie who had served with him and he said the boys in the Sqn would have followed him anywhere he was that well thought of. I refer to the Special Boat Squadron in which Paddy served.

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Re: Will we ever have REAL democracy?

Post by eroticartist »

Rodders,Yes Paddy was a brave man and would have made a good leader, and and an honest one and that's why the Establishment conspired against him and smeared him with the alcoholic allegations because they were afraid of him.
So what if the man liked a drink and if we thew every politician out of the House who liked a drink then it would be almost empty.
Mike Freeman.
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Re: Will we ever have REAL democracy?

Post by Muffinman »

Callaghan and Healey were both involved in negotiations to take Britain into Europe.

After Gaitskell's 1962 speech, Healey found it "inconceivable that the Common Market would acquire supranational powers in any major area, still less become a federation". (Quoted in The Great Deception by Christopher Booker & Richard North).

Ashdown, too, probably because of his ego, was always keen on supranational power. His real career has been in British intelligence, British diplomacy, and as international High Representative (i.e. Dictator) for Bosnia Herzegovina.
Sarah Kelly
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Re: A Solution.........

Post by Sarah Kelly »

Ah,Branson Island...a sarong and cocktail heaven.... x

Always certed,works to Hard BG/GG/ANAL/DP+EXTREME Fetish.
Easy going,fun,Hard Working,Professional
I turn up prepared,on time,ready to shoot what you want as I`m RELIABLE! ;)
