How does an adult female sexually abuse a child ?

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Arch Stanton
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How does an adult female sexually abuse a child ?

Post by Arch Stanton »

Believe me, I take this case very seriously and find it shocking.

However is there any information available as to exactly how an adult female can sexually abuse a young child ? I find that mystifying and BBC News said it was too shocking to report. It is difficult to understand.
one eyed jack
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Re: How does an adult female sexually abuse a child ?

Post by one eyed jack »

Dont be too shocked Arch...Ive been aware of female peados for years.

Society seems to have a hard time that women can out do men for perverse and deviant behaviour...They're just not known for it that much.

You notice no one is screaming for her identity being shown on tv every 5 minutes.

Goes to show when something is that shocking that the rules can easily be bent and that the judge has said: "You will have a difficult time in prison"

Now we all know what he means by that dont we?

I guess the guards will look the other way if she drops the soap in the shower I think.

"Screams? I didnt hear anything. Do you!!?"
one eyed jack
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Re: How does an adult female sexually abuse a child ?

Post by one eyed jack »

Sexual abuse doesnt even have to be physical contact with a child. it can be the act of taking pictures too though I suspect by the shock of the police report it went a lot further than just taking pictures
one eyed jack
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Re: How does an adult female sexually abuse a child ?

Post by one eyed jack »

On the other hand

Since when does a naked child depict obscenity! This is a knee jerk reaction to peadophilia.

What next? Maybe ban all cerub pictures next.

Mind you I havent seen the picture so maybe I shouldnt be so quick to comment but I cant imagine any pic of Brooke Shileds aged 10 in the Tate Gallery being obscene.

if I was the owner of that gallery i would just go to court and it would win as a jury may think it innaprpriate on the ground sof taste but certainly not obscene.

Has anyone seen the pic?
number 6
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Re: How does an adult female sexually abuse a child ?

Post by number 6 »

The whole case is sickening.
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Re: How does an adult female sexually abuse a child ?

Post by Deano! »

I don't know anything about this case but I find generally now, women get a far lighter sentence for brutally murdering their own child than a man would for having sex with a 15 year old. I think the killing of the small child is far worse but the courts don't.

Phwooorr...look at her....CRASH
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Re: How does an adult female sexually abuse a child ?

Post by max_tranmere »

oej, they've revealed her name and they've shown her picture many times on the TV news. Wait for The Sun newspaper tomorrow, they are bound to do a whole front page with a massive shot of the woman's face and a huge headline like "Devil Woman!" or something similar.
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Re: How does an adult female sexually abuse a child ?

Post by max_tranmere »

Women who do this become infamous beyond words. Think Myra Hindley, Rose West, and a few others. This woman will be remembered for ever more, like Ian Huntley is for example. She never killed anyone but what she did is as evil as murder. A whole debate has been going on on the TV news progs all evening about how a woman can do this, and whether they are largely pushed into it by a man. Another troubling feature is this woman has two teenage daughters and I wonder what effect it will all have on them, knowing their mother is one of Britain's most infamous people, and for them to know what she did aswell. It will mess her two daughters up badly I would imagine.
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Re: How does an adult female sexually abuse a chil

Post by Peter »

one eyed jack wrote:

> On the other hand
> Since when does a naked child depict obscenity! This is a knee
> jerk reaction to peadophilia.
> Has anyone seen the pic?

If its one of the ones i'm thinking about, from the Pretty Baby film, the girl is naked, wearing slightly too much make up (hooker style) and has a 'come here' look and pose.

Definitely something that would make you think 'nonce' if it was shot by an 'ordinary bloke in the street' type.
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