9/11 - the anniversary...

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9/11 - the anniversary...

Post by max_tranmere »

Yes, it was 8 years ago today that Osama knocked down the Twin Towers. Can't believe 8 years has passed. I remember for the immediate 2 or 3 years after people would just say 'September the eleventh' and everyone knew what was being referred to, but since then people have had to pad it out a bit - nowadays people say 'September the eleventh, you know - when the Twin Towers in New York came down and 3,000 people died'. I'm not saying anyone has forgetten it, but it seems to have got a bit more distant in people's minds. I wonder, if I was to speak to someone of about 20 (who would of course have been 12 when it happened) if they would even be very familiar with it at all - and it suggests that as the years go on people who were even younger kids then, and ones who werent even born at the time, may not know about it very much at all. Nearly 100 years after the event, the world is very familiar with the story of the Titanic - and this is not just cos of the movie, people were very up on it all for every decade right up till the film was made. I wonder if later generations will be as familiar with 9/11 - probably not, and I wonder why that is. I genuinely don't know, but it seems likely they won't be.
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Re: 9/11 - the anniversary...

Post by paulpaul »

I see you made a typo in your post which i've corrected:

"it was 8 years ago today that The US Govt knocked down the Twin Towers."
Arginald Valleywater
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Re: 9/11 - the anniversary...

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

We had a debate in our staff canteen earlier in the week and all 8 present said they were controlled demolitions. There are fires in tall buildings all over the world each year and hardly any collapse.
The WTC was built in the days before computer modelling so I bet it had at least 50% more steel and concrete than a modern skyscraper and was like the Forth rail bridge, massively overengineered and virtually indestructible.
Since when did a building catch fire on the 65th floor yet collapse with amazing precision from the bottom, which if I am mistaken was NOT on fire?
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Re: 9/11 - the anniversary...

Post by mrmcfister »

Cretins in that canteen then...get back to your grassy knoll...
Snow Patrol
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Re: 9/11 - the anniversary...

Post by Snow Patrol »

I blame Poopy Morgan...

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Re: 9/11 - the anniversary...

Post by Guilbert »

>The USA has had a very aggressive foreign policy towards a lot of other countries since 1945.

While we all of course feel very sorry for the people affected by the twin tower disaster (those killed plus their families) you have to say that in many ways the USA bought it upon themselves.

Since WW2 there has hardly been a skirmish, a war, or even a political situation in the world the USA have not tried to affect one way or the other.

Supplying arms, sending in advisors, sending in troops, giving money to one side (or both sides), who knows how many people they have killed directly or indirectly by the USA.

Their use of chemical weapons like Agent Orange and Napalm in Vietnam was scanadalous, often against "ordinairy" people.

And never forget My Lai where US troops killed between 300 and 500 civilians, many of them women and children.

Sometimes you reap what you sow.

Agent Orange


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Re: 9/11 - the anniversary...

Post by jimslip »

Some food for thought maybe?

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Re: 9/11 - the anniversary...

Post by c.j.jaxxon »

Good guestion. It depends on the age of the person, race, circumstances, gender, all of it. I'm 43 and I remember it well because around that same time I was about to go through a nasty break up with an ex-girlfriend that lasted from September til the time I moved out in January 2002. Plus when some of us talk about it now we go toward the so-called conspiracy end of it.