Emailing porn movies

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Boring Bloke
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Emailing porn movies

Post by Boring Bloke »

Is there an easy way of doing this? Most movies take up lots of memory (about 1GB per hour at the highest quality) so it's not possible to send them as attachments on hotmail, yahoo, etc which set maximums of around 10MB.

One way could be to use special software, such as Pando, to send big files but the catch is the person you are sending the file to also needs to have the software so you can't just send a film to someone without asking them to download software first - and pay for it! I know some companies provide free software but this seems to be only for files up to 1GB which isn't enough for a typical 90 minute or 120 minute movie. Also some companies state that they won't allow sexually explicit material to be sent this way.

I guess I could chop movies into lots of small parts and ask the receiver to stick them all together but this isn't ideal is it?

So any ideas? Is there any way of sending a full-length adult movie to someone without high cost, loads of work or infringing any regulations?

Sam Slater
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Re: Emailing porn movies

Post by Sam Slater »

I've never tried it but what about filemail?

No one has to sign up to anything and you can send up to 2gb for free. The recipient gets a download link in an e-mail and has 3 days to download before the file's deleted.

Like I said: never used it myself but there's no harm in giving it a go.

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
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Re: Emailing porn movies

Post by beutelwolf »

You could use ftp, which (informally) is like http, but for files rather than web pages. (ftp is a protocol, not a program, it's usually supported by programs such as putty.)

Problem is: this is not sending someone a file, it is either making it available in your file store (so the other person can download it from there), or placing it in the other person's file store. Both is possible, for the former the receiver needs to have read access to (that part of) your file store, for the latter you would need to have write access on their machine.

Short of wanting to do either: use a file sharing site.

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Re: Emailing porn movies

Post by Floydoid »

Try filedropper - 5GB maximum file size.

Is it any wonder that the monkey's confused?
Posts: 912
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Re: Emailing porn movies

Post by Floydoid »

Is it any wonder that the monkey's confused?
Boring Bloke
Posts: 70
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am


Post by Boring Bloke »

Thanks for the advice guys. I've tried FileMail and it seems fine for my purposes. I won't try Filedropper though as it's not free. They even want your credit card details for the 'free' 7 day trial.