Does porn generally mess people up?

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Re: Does porn generally mess people up?

Post by KazB »

This thread sounds how I would imagine an editors meeting at The Daily Mail to run lol!

From what I have seen the uk scene is pretty clean and perhaps people over exagerate lifestyles and circles to make it sound more exciting and glamorous.

I can imagine drug problems may be more rife in the USA where girls are expected to take 4 cocks between their pussies and arses - chist I'd wanna be on a morphine drip for that! !grin! Although I have not heard of one single incident of Heroine use in the UK industry - I doubt smacked out junkies would make for very interesting porn - lying on their backs studying the sky!

Unless you count alcohol and nicotine of course.....! Alcohol abuse is an increasingly huge problem across the UK - and that's as a whole nation without dipping into industries and backgrounds! It's the single biggest thing responsible for deaths amongst the under 40's whether accident or health related.

Porn will mess some people up as they are looking for something destructive...or that may find themselves in a negative pattern....but they could just as easily find this self destruction in self harm, bumimia, anorexia, excessive drinking and a whole host of other issues.

Take for exampel all these whiners that claim that winning the national lottery screwed up their lives and they were happier on the breadline....

Ok so they sudeenly have all this time on their hands but are lazy bastards who can't be arsed to invest in themselves or do charity work or something useful. So they spend all day everyday drinking, spunking money on booze or getting completely screwed off their faces nonstop.....well that's going to be one almighty crash! they end up alienating their friends, family and getting paranoid and then blaming it all on the lottery. When in fact it was probbaly nothing to do with money or drugs.....just their inability to take control of their lives.

Porn I would argue at least gives people an outlet in their lives....and for most people that are int he industry - a source of enjoyment for whatever reasons and something to focus on.

I think we should worry more about crime, schooling, government screwing us up than porn.

Just my thoughts from a UK perspective, but then we are very lucky over here.

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andy at handiwork
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Re: Does porn generally mess people up?

Post by andy at handiwork »

A lot of sense there Kaz. Lets face it, when you consider how many women, (and men), have been involved in porn to some degree or other over the years, and how seldom one hears of a life subsequently fucked up by youthful indiscretions, the vast majority of people just treat it as a part of their life and handle it appropriately.
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Re: Does porn generally mess people up?

Post by jj »

"a harmless drudge, that busies himself in tracing the original, and detailing the
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Re: Does porn generally mess people up?

Post by max_tranmere »

KazB, if all that is true then why do the people who do it keep it a secret from their family and friends? If she was working as a cab driver, a cashier in Tesco's, or as a plant arranger at Homebase, she would happily tell her folks...
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Re: Does porn generally mess people up?

Post by jj »

max_tranmere wrote:
> KazB, if all that is true then why do the people who do it keep
> it a secret from their family and friends?

Because we're BRITISH : -)))

"a harmless drudge, that busies himself in tracing the original, and detailing the
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Re: Does porn generally mess people up?

Post by npadln »

Funny you mention Janine as she WAS my most favourite porn star because of her lesbian proclivities. I agree 100% with you though. I have my own problems with porn; it is my drug. At the same time I have always been thoughtful about sex and porn, probably because of my life being so wrapped up in it. Janine was pretty big once upon a time, was in some rock videos and was once the main squeeze of Jesse James who is now married to Sandra Bullock. I think her story might share something with mine. Sex is easy, life is hard but not if you have the tools. Life coping skills have nothing to do with sex and sometimes like with myself and maybe with many porn stars, it gets in the way. The anecdote I like to use is a woman with breast cancer who gets a mastectomy. If she has a mature relationship with someone it will make only a little difference to her sex life and her attractiveness on the whole. But if she goes into a bar expecting to hook up with some cute guy, forget it. Her body, not her, is the only thing the guy sees and consequently she will see her self through that guy's eyes. Not good for the self esteem. That is the problem sometimes with sex, drugs and other EASY stuff; it keeps us away from doing the work that needs to be done for the good of our developmental health. I am addicted to the porn and maybe she has found herself in a box where porn isn't just what she does but what she is. Sorry for the length, thanks for the subject. My first posting.
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Re: Does porn generally mess people up?

Post by jj »


"a harmless drudge, that busies himself in tracing the original, and detailing the
Dave Wells
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Re: Does porn generally mess people up?

Post by Dave Wells »

Actually having now thought about this statement I would have to say that yes it does mess up things in your life.

It gives a person an unusual outlook on relationships. Sometimes in a good way though.

And from own personal experience, it traps you. What I mean by that is - it has proved an absolutely impossible task trying to find alternative employment for me with the business in the dire straits that it is currently in. So I have virtually given up and must probably wait for my inheritence money to start my own business.

Dave Wells
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Re: Does porn generally mess people up?

Post by vickipeachx »

that is soooooo spot on kaz, if the daily mail mob are reading this they will have a story made up by the morning :) drugs like anything else if used in moderation or on occasion are not harmfull in comparison to things that are used by the populus every,saturated fats,fags etc (more so that drugs are cut with things that shoudnt be there,another problem caused by prohabition) its down to the person to not abuse any substance (inc chocolete,coffee,booze,cigs,wearing makeup every day etc)
porn or drugs dont mess people up.........people mess people up......often themselves aswell. but thats just my opinion and i know alot of people feel differently. i just dont think anyone inc goverments has the right to tell anyone that you cant get high with this thing but its ok to use our thing!!drink! and now back on adult work,come check out my filthy shows! You won't b disappointed !!!! I'm a total skanky whore!! Anything goes;)!
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Re: Does porn generally mess people up?

Post by jj »

Confused, but astute : -)

"a harmless drudge, that busies himself in tracing the original, and detailing the