Labour climbdown on ID Cards and Mail Prvatisation

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Labour climbdown on ID Cards and Mail Prvatisation

Post by mrmcfister »

This pointless governement has announced the end of ID cards and Mail Nationalisation.Two unpopular policies for the dustbin in two days.On the first the Tories said that they would have cancelled any work done by software companies so none bid.Result.Good evidence that they know they will lose the election next year.

Today Mandelson climbs down on the Mail issue.Both ministers make out it is their decision to distance Brown from it.They are a laughable lot of rogues.Brown will lose his seat at the next election.Dead PM walking.Pathetic that the once great labour party is now led by such a lot of fucking donkeys and even sadder that the tories look destined for power as a result.

All very depressing for this fine country.
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Re: Labour climbdown on ID Cards and Mail Prvatisation

Post by JonnyHungwell »

The clowns have also had to take National Express rail services back into public administration, seeing they've priced the ordinary person off the railways - who would pay more to take the train than it does to drive or fly? This government really is chocked full of cunts and dimwits.
andy at handiwork
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Re: Labour climbdown on ID Cards and Mail Prvatisation

Post by andy at handiwork »

Sadly they haven't dropped ID cards. As anyone applying for or renewing a passport or driving licence after 2011 will have their details entered on the national register, the cards will be with us in all but name. The government's claim that there is now no compulsion is only true if an individual never drives or wants to travel abroad.
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Re: Labour climbdown on ID Cards and Mail Prvatisation

Post by johnsix »

Re Royal Mail.
Don't believe Mandy's weasel words, He knows full well its an EU directive so Westminster has no power but to obey its masters in Brussels.

Note how the media spectacularly always fail to mention the European Union?s Postal Service Directives
Directive 2008/6/EC clearly states:

Member States shall bring into force the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive by 31 December 2010 at the latest. They shall forthwith inform the Commission thereof. ... 020:EN:PDF