Jamie Foxx's comments about Michael Jackson...

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one eyed jack
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Re: Jamie Foxx's comments about Michael Jackson...

Post by one eyed jack »

Swampthing that has to be the most offensive suggestion and justification for slavery I have ever heard.

I doubt those people who snatched those people from their homeland had rescue in mind. Profit was what they were all about and another thing those africans wouldnt necessarily be here in shuch big numbers if it wasnt for slavery , so if the US and Britian dont like it then they dont really have a choice so black people have the right to bitch as much as they want is the way i see it to your comments.

As for the not like it go back to africa suggestion...well maybe if your forefathers never brought them here in the first place, you could rightly make that statement. In this case you are wrong.

But thats not the point is it?...Its about Jamie Foxx and Michael Jackson.

i wonder if you would feel the same if it was white people enslaved by blacks and forced to live in a foreign country where there was no escape unless you had money to get away. Blacks never saw that luxury in the deep south until the late sixties if they were lucky and by that time, America was practically all they knew.

one eyed jack
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Re: Jamie Foxx's comments about Michael Jackson...

Post by one eyed jack »

Max...why do you take such offence at what black entertainers say about claiming other blacks as their own?

Its true, yo udo bring up the race issue all the time like the white man is so hard done by and the reverse racism thing.

Dont take the comments of one man to be indicative of a whole race of the same colour ok? The world really isnt that bad but if you keep fueling it by thinking that way then this is how subdivisions are perpetuated in society.

Chill man chill!

one eyed jack
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Re: Jamie Foxx's comments about Michael Jackson...

Post by one eyed jack »

They were swampthing. They just lost the battle for ownership. Surely you know about General Custer getting scalped. Horrible yes. But is is tany worse than what those people did to them and practically wiped them out with the common cold

Maybe it is everyone else should fuck off out of american and give the native indians their country back and the australians should give the country back to the aboriginal people and the dutch and the rest of the world should give back to Africa all the rich resources of gold and precious mineral they raped out of it too while everyone is on that tip. I dont hear anyone saying that

Africa would have been in a better place to be a world power if many people didnt fuck it up in the first place and still helping to fuck it up today then turn around and say why should we help them?

Because the rest of the world has plundered that continent and got what it wants now they cant wait for those people to become extinct so they can move in and make it their own.

We really could go on about this bullshit and it wont get us anywhere but more disagreement....cant we get back to talking about pussy porn and sport please?

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Re: Jamie Foxx's comments about Michael Jackson...

Post by davey »

i cant see why jamie Foxx would be proud of his people producing a paedophile who wanted to be white??????????

one eyed jack
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Re: Jamie Foxx's comments about Michael Jackson...

Post by one eyed jack »

Davey, you noticed ever since that peado accusation came out that the worlld jumped on that bandwagon and decided he was.

it started out as an allegation. then things went more suspicious with pay offs and the rest you and me think we know.

but did he really?

The shit really did stick on this allegation and I noticed it is mainly people of the white skin colour that really lock on this and hence it has become part of the mythology.

No one stopped to think of the possibility he was innocent and genuinely liked kids, somethingthat people cannot view with suspicion in these knee jerk reaction times.

You cant even say ooh what a pretty girl or boy anymore without having the social services kick down your door, kidnap your kids and have the community thinking you rape kids on the quiet.

There are many close to Jackson who would swear up and down he was no kiddie fiddler but no one wants to hear that. Someone with a superstar lifestyle has got to have something dodgy about him. I am wondering if this also precipitated his mental spiral downwards. he was mentally vulnerable as it is.

Unlike the masses I am not quick to deem a man guilty by mere allegations I read in the media...Lets remind ourselves the allegations were just that and that child abuse (giving kids alcohol) is not the same as trying to get them drunk and having a fiddle.

If Jamie Foxx knew that for sure deep down im sure he wouldnt want to associate with the likes of MJ and I'm not so sure he would hang around with him for his money because Jamie Foxx has probably got more by now of his own anyway.

I really dont think all this is black and white as people think....Hee hee! Ooh! (Oops sorry. Couldnt resist)

one eyed jack
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Re: Jamie Foxx's comments about Michael Jackson...

Post by one eyed jack »

To add...Most black folk I know who have mentioned thi sin the past have said the likes of..."he was asking for it by hanging out with kids" but none have implied that he was actually abusing them.

I admit is odd for a man to hang around so many kids but then the other argument is he has had his childhood taken from him and (note the use of the word probbaly) was reliving the youth he lost through them but I dint know that because I never knew the man.

If i did and he was he wouldve got his arse kicked big time..Or simply disassocioated myself from him and you can bet I would be the biggest mouth about it around here if he was.

I believe if hereally was, he would have got convicted for it.

I mean the guy allegedly had indecent pictures in his possession right? So how come he wasnt registered as a sex offender. Something is not right about all this and i dont think he really bought his freedom that easily.

Are you saying the difference between him and Gary Glitter was down to a massive pay off? In that case the parents in the Jordy Chandler case sold their kid down the river and should be ashamed of themselves because it looks to me that they sold their boy to him then.

So it comes back to the old question of : Would you suck a guys dick for a million quid or would you let someone fuck your child for ?10 million.

many admit they would suck a cock for a million but would you seriously sell your child to a pop superstar for 10 million?

I think we all know the answer to that one...But hey, not me!!!

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Re: Jamie Foxx's comments about Michael Jackson...

Post by max_tranmere »

Never thought I would ever hear the slave trade, which involved huge numbers of Africans being kidnapped, shackled, and transported to America (in terrible conditions on the ships they transported on, many died, some were ever thrown into the sea, which would mean a slow despairing death) being described as a 'rescue'. Forced to work for no money, their identity and culture taken away from them, and them having to take the surname of their slavemaster. It is for that reason most people of West Indian descent have very British sounding surnames. To describe this as having been a good thing for them is absurd!