YES I went out with a pornstar

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.
THE chuckster

YES I went out with a pornstar

Post by THE chuckster »

If this is off topic then I'm sorry, but this really make me angry when people doubt this. I was seeing Wendy 1 for a year, though after she had made the films, she was a very nice girl, wh,o through her boyfriend had made these films. She went into them with eyes open, but they nearly killed her with guilt afterwards. She had to leave her job as she had a very well thought of position etc. Not all these girls are dumb slappers, in fact a lot are very intelligent people, who have proper relationships. I consider myself lucky to have met Wendy (her real name) and just regret the fact that none of our plans came to pass.
So if you don't believe me then bollocks, but I have been there and it's not all it's cracked up to be.


Post by al »

What's happening with silver films ?

Re: chuckster........

Post by Matt »

Who was doubting you? I don't remember reading that. Mind you, I am pretty new here. Besides, who gives a damn what others think? You don't need their blessing in order to have your expereicne validated.

I can't compete with going out with a porn star (yet) but I did spend a weekend in the home and care of top UK sex/rock band 'Rockbitch' last August which was great fun.
porn lover

Re: chuckster........

Post by porn lover »

My wife is ex police and at 42 still enjoys making porn films....
What your wife or girlfriend do or did chuckster is sod all to do with anybody else...You know its true and so does she..Thats all that matters...
People can be very jelous so dont let it get to you...

Re: chuckster........

Post by Otis »

This is all a bit silly, but while we're discussing it, me and my girlfriend occasionally venture into the swinging scene (when we can locate another couple who don't look like extras from "The Sweeney", which is rarely) and were recently surprised to meet and spend the night with a couple, the (extraordinarily enthusiastic) female half of which was very familiar indeed. No names, obviously, but let's just say that going where Rocco and Omar have been before is, in many ways, a humbling experience.

Re: Otis

Post by trev »

Don't know whether you're a dead singer,an aardvark (CBBC),or
a brand of lift- a round about way of saying I've no idea if
you're on the level.
Whatever, it's a tantalising tease which I shall be mulling
over in the car to Wally's World or whichever one we're going
to this Bank Hols.

well, trev...

Post by Otis »

...if I wasn't on the level I'd have named names.

To keep you mulling till Wally's World: brunette, has worked in US too. That's absolutely all I'm saying though.