Man Utd Programmes

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Man Utd Programmes

Post by GG4U »

Are they worth anything? My late uncle left me them,only 4 or 5,some from the treble winning year 1998/ is signed,not sure if it is by the late,great george Best.also a sketch of the squad cartoon like, thanks
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Re: Man Utd Programmes

Post by GG4U »

You a fan?
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Re: Man Utd Programmes

Post by Flat_Eric »

I studied in Manchester from '81 - '85 and was a semi-regular at Old Trafford during that period - those far-off days when it used to cost about 2.50 to stand up and you could usually just turn up on the afternoon / evening and pay at the turnstiles.

All very pre-Ferguson (Fat Ron was the Manager back then).

I still have a load of old ManUre programmes of that vintage, and have also often wondered if they'd be worth anything now. They're probably worth more than all my '80s / '90s Sheffield Wednesday programmes anyway !laugh!.

- Eric

Dave Wells
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Re: Man Utd Programmes

Post by Dave Wells »

I once had the Arsenal v Man U programme from 1958 which was the last game the Busby babes played in England together. I took it to one of these programme fairs and sold it for ?8.00. Although it wasn't in brand new condition being 35ish years old, I still feel I was ripped off somewhat.

Dave Wells
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Re: Man Utd Programmes

Post by crofter »

Dave Wells:
"Although it wasn't in brand new condition being 35ish years old, I still feel I was ripped off somewhat."

Well next time wait until you are "proper" grown up - trying to sell stuff at the tender age of 35 you fully deserve to be ripped off ...

PEOPLE think Stephen Hawking is so clever, but when you ask him a question and he is typing in the answer on his little screen, how do we know he isn't just looking up the answer on the Internet?
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Re: Man Utd Programmes

Post by Brainsinmedick »

1958? Mid 80s? You mean Sky never invented football?
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Re: Man Utd Programmes

Post by Grendel1 »

Burn them!

But then I would say that being a Liverpool supporter lol

No, they should be worth a bit, but you'd have to find the right buyer
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Re: Man Utd Programmes

Post by GG4U »

To be honest I've thought of slinging a few things.Not that they're worth that much,maybe a few recorder,Dell monitor,computer desk,antique reference books etc etc
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Re: Man Utd Programmes

Post by GG4U »

Do you mean the woman called Alex? If it's true he used to beat her,then that is wrong.I'm sure they got divorced.I bet she couldn't wait to get rid of the surname of such a brute and disassociate herself from him by going back to her maiden name - can't remember what it is.