What madness is this???

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one eyed jack
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What madness is this???

Post by one eyed jack »

The world is in economic meltdown and Northern Rock having been bailed out by the governement for its own risky lending gets bailed out and still gives the bloody money away in 125% mortgages.

Thank fucks I dont use that bank and anyone with their right mind shoulod cease doing business with them.

So they give 125% mortgages...How dos that work? So you cn not only buy the house but a car and furnitur for it as well????

I dread to think what kind of interest they charge. Sounds risky walking in.

Bicycle Bum
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Re: What madness is this???

Post by Bicycle Bum »

It's taken me a long time to come to terms with some basic truths about the system we live under. The fact that we are being lied to and robbed as a way of maintaining wage slavery, for without slavery this age-old system which dates back to the start of the industrial revolution would have to change fundamentally. Either a return to feudalism or a confident embrace of social libertarianism. When govenments talks of mistakes being made concerning the credit crunch this is all part of an elaborate illusion to keep from us the necessity of wage slavery as understood by the ruling classes. The truth is no mistakes have been made, and none are being made now. The lies and the robbery must necessarily continue.
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Re: What madness is this???

Post by dynatech »

This is Bilderberg Globalisation. Next stop, Armageddon

They're locking them up today, they're throwing away the key...I wonder who it be tomorrow, you or me?
one eyed jack
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Re: What madness is this???

Post by one eyed jack »

So do you think the prophesy of a single economy and one world government will arise from this?

Personally I think its already here and been with us the past 10 years but we just dont know it yet.

Bush/ Blair/ Iraq and the execution of Saddam Hussein anyone??? Things have been going on while some of us have been sleeping.

Shiny Helmet
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Re: What madness is this???

Post by Shiny Helmet »

Totally agree, conspiracy theorists like david icke and alex jones have been ridiculed for years with their findings, but everything they have predicted is here now in front of our eyes, unfortunately the worst is yet to come.
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Bicycle Bum
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Re: What madness is this???

Post by Bicycle Bum »

David Icke and Alex Jones are not good quality spokespersons. Jones is too OTT and a shitstirrer. Icke believes all that reptilian shapeshifter crap.

The person you really want to listen to is Noam Chomsky.
Bicycle Bum
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Re: What madness is this???

Post by Bicycle Bum »

There really is no NWO or Illuminati, or whatever else. These concepts are used by men who lack the kind of acute intellect Chomsky and others have. The truth is not as neat and tidy as an NWO. There's a lot of chaos and divided opinions amongst elite groups, but one thing is clear, whoever controls the financial system has unprecedented political power.
one eyed jack
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Re: What madness is this???

Post by one eyed jack »

(Puts "D" for dunce cap on and sucks thumb)

Hmmm I can buy that too BB...Given how people are selfish for greed it doesnt surprise me in the least...

Why else would we have nuclear missiles then eh? Makes sense. We dont trust anyone.

Not even ourselves.

Britain is Americas bitch though, because if they turned on us, we'd be done for so best to hang with the biggest bully on the block than the little people so best to do as we are told.

Political power is used to manipulate things in ones favour.

Remember, every battle is won before its even fought..So I can understand the logic of a concerted effort by certain individuals to maintain the status quo which if you think about it is par to the same thing.
