?100 million Football transfer

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?100 million Football transfer

Post by modfather »

On a day another 10,000 people lose there jobs dont you find this offer for Kaka obscene? Discuss....................
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Re: ?100 million Football transfer

Post by modfather »

Im a fan but i cant wait for football to get its comeuppance and get in the real world, if it takes a club to go bust to makes them see sense then so be it ,game for the working class dont make me laugh
Dave Wells
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Re: ?100 million Football transfer

Post by Dave Wells »

I agree and paying a numbskull bilbebasher ?500,000 a week SHOULDN'T be allowed. And I'm a City fanatic.

He won't come to us anyhow for a number of reasons, mainly - a). we ain't challenging for fuck all and b). Milan are still in the UEFA cup.

Dave Wells

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Re: ?100 million Football transfer

Post by NeilUK »

Yeah it won't happen, but lets face it the owners of Man City won't have heard of the credit crunch let alone be affected by it.

The main problem of this sort of thing of course is if they do buy all these massive names on huge wages and then this guy gets bored of football and moves into say Formula One. After all Man City is a toy to him there is no loyalty there. If he achieves what he wants and makes Man City Champions League winners etc then whats to say he won't walk away. If he fails after a few years, same deal he walks away. The money is gone, the players can't be sold because they are on ?250,000 a week etc

Same deal to a lesser extent with Chelsea as Ambramovic may be getting bored if you believe the papers but if he walks away then there are clubs who can take their big money earners, Terry ?100,000 etc

What wages Man City are talking about is whole different ball game.

Look at whats happening with Bellamy, the chief executive and Hughes both said the week before the transfer deadline opening that they wouldn't be held to ransom. Fair price for a player is all they would pay, they have now had a bid reportedly in the region of 12m for Bellamy turned down! 6m, then 9m now 12m if that isn't being held to ransom and over paying I don't know what is. Clubs know they don't have to accept the first or even fourth bid from Man City because there is no fee they can't afford.

Worrying for the rest of football, it will be interesting to see how it develops

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Re: ?100 million Football transfer

Post by Jonone »

How does Bellamy's value appreciate so markedly? Because he scored a couple of goals against Portsmouth in the last three weeks ? He's a handy forward but worth nowhere near what City are reportedly thinking of paying for him. Gabriele Marcotti in The Times pointed out that in terms of league position West Ham do as well without Bellamy as they do with him .. okay, it's a partial picture but it does kinda tell you that he doesn't 'make a difference' which is what you want if you're paying upwards of ?10 M.
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Re: ?100 million Football transfer

Post by Brainsinmedick »

Good luck to Man Citeh. Their fans have been loyal through years of shite. A genuine big club with real football followers.
Compare them to the Johnny come latelys who jumped into Chelsea when Abromovich arrived, think football was invented by Sky TV and will be off back to rugby in a few years time.
Still Chelsea hold out hope for every football fan, if they can call themselves a big club.......
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Re: ?100 million Football transfer

Post by modfather »

If i were a Man city fan id be very worried this rich arab has no love for Man City its just a toy to spend his wealth on until he gets bored or moves onto something else formula 1 maybe, where will this leave Man city?, Maybe there wont be a Man city in 10-15 years time thats the scary thing.

I think its time all these foreign investors were stopped coming into our game or is it to late? Football as we know it will be dead if this stupid transfer happens
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Re: ?100 million Football transfer

Post by Flat_Eric »

modfather wrote:


Have to agree with that 100%.

I'm a fan also (of football, not Man City) - though much, much less of one now than I used to be.

Why? Simply because football is all about greed now, and dominated by brand names and big business.

The wages that players get are obscene as well. Oh sure, you can waffle on about "market forces" and all the rest of it. Or employ that other old chestnut counter-argument that "there's only one Stephen Gerrard / David Beckham / Kaka / any other overpaid primadonna of your choice".

But that doesn't make it morally right or justifiable. It's still an obscenity in my book.

- Eric
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Re: ?100 million Football transfer

Post by beutelwolf »

modfather wrote:

> On a day another 10,000 people lose there jobs dont you find
> this offer for Kaka obscene? Discuss....................

For that money you could give every single of the 10,000 newly unemployed a 10 grand redundancy package, and for Kaka's proposed wages they would in addition get 50 quid a week to get by.
