Coldest start to winter for over 30 years

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Re: Coldest start to winter for over 30 years

Post by Robches »

eroticartist wrote:

> Records only go back a couple of hundred years, a spark in the
> billion year age of the Earth, and fluctuactions in the
> temperature of the Earth are caused by sunspots. The Sun is a
> big atomic furnace burning at an irregular rate, sometimes
> flaring up and at other times going down and it is this which
> causes temperature on the Earth to rise or to fall and not the
> burning of fossil fuel or the farting of Earth creatures
> emitting methane gas!
> Mike Freeman.

I think that's about right. There have been no sun spots this year, and that's why it's been cold all over the world. It seems there has been no rise in global temperatures for the past ten years. The main proponent of man made global warming is James Hansen from NASA, but he won't use satellites to make his temperature measurements. Instead he uses land based sites, many of which over the years have gone from being in the countryside to being swallowed up by towns, which of course are heat traps. No, I don't buy it either, but the political elite of the world love it, because it means they can tax and control us in ways dictators of old would never have dreamed of doing. Cunts the lot of them.

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Re: Coldest start to winter for over 30 years

Post by diplodocus »

not true, this is actually quite old news, but is still trotted out by sceptics.

when satellite data was first compared to land based data they showed a big difference and that things weren't warming. This was the mainstay of the sceptics argument.

However when the data was continued to be looked at (as this is what science does) it was found that certain factors had not been taken into account from the satellite data such as changes in orginal postition and drag. When this was done the data agreed with the land based data and showed distinct warming.

This was accepted as correct by the original authors of the satellite data research

we are Leeds.... , and we can still beat the mighty Chester
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Re: Coldest start to winter for over 30 years

Post by eroticartist »

The reason for the global warming propaganda is that governments can encourage people to conserve energy and to put up the cost of energy in the interim until they develop alternative sources.
Mike Freeman.
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Re: Coldest start to winter for over 30 years

Post by Robches »

eroticartist wrote:

> Robches,
> The reason for the global warming propaganda is that
> governments can encourage people to conserve energy and to put
> up the cost of energy in the interim until they develop
> alternative sources.
> Mike Freeman.

I wish. Our government seems to be planning to rely on windmills to generate our electricity. Since they cannot be relied on to provide baseload power, and only work about 20 to 30% of the time, we are fucked. It seems they will only allow coal power if it has carbon capture technology, which does not exist. And we are in the middle of the coldest winter for 30 years. Bastards.

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Re: Coldest start to winter for over 30 years

Post by Robches »

You don't get it Reggie. At best these windmills provide power only 30% of the time. The other 70% you need something else, something that you can rely on, like coal or nuclear. We have to build coal and nuclear plants anyway, because windmills just can't be relied on. They are a complete waste of time and money. The only reason they are even built is because they attract a subsidy, paid for out of our electricity bills. We are being fucked in the arse to pay for these bastard things which do not and cannot provide dependable power. The companies building them are just taking the piss out of all of us. Remember that the next time you pay your electricity bill. They are robbing you, it's a scam, and George Monbiot is a cunt. Fact.

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Re: Coldest start to winter for over 30 years

Post by Robches »

Reggie Perrin wrote:

> I do get it, sometimes it's windy sometimes it isn't. Fossil
> fuel and nuclear power stations aren't online all the time
> either which is why you need a variety of providers.

I think you'll find that pretty much they are on all the time. They provide the baseline load. You can't just switch a power station on and off like a light switch.

> Wind power isn't a waste of time, as soon as you get near mainland Europe,
> that's pretty much the first thing you see, are you really
> saying that they spent money on some kind of hippy whim without
> doing the sums first.

No, I'm saying that windpower attracts huge subsidies, which are added to our electricity bills. Without these subsidies, wind power does not make economic sense.

>The people who privately own even one or two
> windmills are doing quite nicely selling power to the grid.
> They wouldn't do it if it didn't pay.

Yes, they are doing nicely, but only because we poor schumcks are paying through the nose for their eco power. Take away the subsidies and there would be no wind power.
