Coldest start to winter for over 30 years

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Coldest start to winter for over 30 years

Post by JonnyHungwell »

Average temperature has been 3C cooler than usual. I suppose this is Global Warming :)

Global Warming is a con and a load of old bollocks - about as real as the Ice Age that was going to start in 1980 and the 2M we were led to expect would die of AIDS.
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Re: Coldest start to winter for over 30 years

Post by jaybo »

Average temperature for the first third of december is 1.7*c i heard on sky news earlier . JJ .
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Re: Coldest start to winter for over 30 years

Post by steve56 »

1965,70 from memory were the coldest!
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Re: Coldest start to winter for over 30 years

Post by JonnyHungwell »

But in a usual December it's been around 4.7C average, for the last 30 years.
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Re: Coldest start to winter for over 30 years

Post by JonnyHungwell »

I remember those cold snowy winters of the 60's through 70's, but the last few years we've seen really cold winters - which shouldn't be happening if we're to believe all the GW stuff. It snowed in London in November for the first time since about 1930. All the green rubbish, save the planet stuff is nothing more than a fad taken up by mostly young people who have been brainwashed. Like the arseholes who invaded Stansted last week, the same arseholes who'll be off trekking in Mongolia for a gap year - it's ok for them to fly half way round the world, because they care and planted a few trees. One of the organisers of the protest was being interviewed on the radio and it came out she was planning to spend Christmas/NY in Morocco with the whole family --- but it was ok because they were going by train and it was her mum's 60th birthday! --- and as she said 'everyone deserves a holiday abroad', except that is for the ones they choose to disrupt. What a hypocritical bitch, but no worse than the Young Green Party spokeswoman on LBC this morning, advocating breaking the law if peaceful protests don't succeed in stopping airports, power stations and anything else they object to - on the same principle I object to the prices charged in PC World, so I suppose I can justify slipping a laptop up my coat - because everyone deserves a new laptop at Christmas :) I?d exile these people to a remote Scottish Island and let the fookers live under the trees.
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Re: Coldest start to winter for over 30 years

Post by steve56 »

Last year wasnt so cold im sure as i was down Southend on the 1st of December looking at the lights
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Re: Coldest start to winter for over 30 years

Post by planeterotica »

If we need more airports, power stations and roads etc then these projects should be brought forward, cut the red tape and lets get on and build them providing it is private money and not taxpayers money that is used as this will give a boost to the economy and could get us out of recession.

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Re: Coldest start to winter for over 30 years

Post by crofter »

Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't one of the "Global Warming" attributes that certain parts will get harsher winters as well??

I too think that the planet and nature will do whatever the fuck it wants, whether hotter or colder and to what extreme it fancies and if we humans think we can do anything to control it we really are up our own arses ...

PEOPLE think Stephen Hawking is so clever, but when you ask him a question and he is typing in the answer on his little screen, how do we know he isn't just looking up the answer on the Internet?
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Re: Coldest start to winter for over 30 years

Post by dynatech »

Global Warming & all that is a scam. Is it nothing to do with saving the environment - it's to do with saving the economy

They're locking them up today, they're throwing away the key...I wonder who it be tomorrow, you or me?
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Re: Coldest start to winter for over 30 years

Post by eroticartist »

Records only go back a couple of hundred years, a spark in the billion year age of the Earth, and fluctuactions in the temperature of the Earth are caused by sunspots. The Sun is a big atomic furnace burning at an irregular rate, sometimes flaring up and at other times going down and it is this which causes temperature on the Earth to rise or to fall and not the burning of fossil fuel or the farting of Earth creatures emitting methane gas!
Mike Freeman.