Britian, A facist state?

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andy at handiwork
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Re: Britian, A facist state?

Post by andy at handiwork »

Not idealistic at all. If you care enough about children in need of fostering to offer oneself as a fosterer, I don't think its too much to ask that you be a non smoker. What part of 'it is bad to smoke when in charge of young children' dont people understand? It isn't enough to go outside for a smoke, children aren't blind or stupid. They learn by example, be it fags or food or attitudes to others. Around 30000 children born this year, and until smoking comes down even more dramatically, ever year, will die prematurely from smoking related beheviour

As for possible ( I know you didn't raise this) suggestions that a child's natural parents to be banned from such activity, that would clearly be a dangerous step, impossible to police, but everything possible should be done to show new parents that if they care about their children's health they should stop. Polishing my halo, I stopped 25 years ago, before we even decided to try for sprogs.

And I fail to see how the authorities abdication of their responsibilities by placing children unsupervised in motel rooms has anything to do with it. Maybe people dont pay enough tax in S Australia to finance proper social services.
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Re: Britian, A facist state?

Post by deannadoes »

In so much as your view would apear a tad extreme, would you then ban drinking from anywhere except in the home.
keeping in mind on a saturday night there seems to be plenty of people
getting drunk and then attacking other people for no reason and putting them in hospital or even the undertakers.
I am unaware of any police reports of people having 10 fags and then attacking anyone or driving under the influence of tobacco, causing the deaths of other motorists.
It would seem to me that drinking is far and away more antisocial than smoking.
Also your taxes increase, if people cut down or stop smoking.
So its upto you, I'll stop smoking in public if you will pay my taxes and give up your night out

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Re: Britian, A facist state?

Post by Jonone »

What if it's a company director living in a big mansion who likes the occasional after dinner cigar ?
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Re: Britian, A facist state?

Post by crofter »

I noticed you made a typo Lizard!! so have corrected it for you below:

Britain, A FUCKING State?

yours sincerely
Tony "Wingman" Blair (Retired)

PEOPLE think Stephen Hawking is so clever, but when you ask him a question and he is typing in the answer on his little screen, how do we know he isn't just looking up the answer on the Internet?
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Re: Britian, A facist state?

Post by Lizard »

Cheers crofter, I knew I could rely on you..!thumbsup!

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Re: Britian, A facist state?

Post by Lizard »


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