Kerry Katona - This Morning appearance

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Kerry Katona - This Morning appearance

Post by thesaint3333 »

What do you reckon?

Medication as she states or pissed?
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Re: Kerry Katona - This Morning appearance

Post by colonel »

Jury seems to be out if you read the YouTube comments...

Personally I would change the medication if it has that effect...
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Re: Kerry Katona - This Morning appearance

Post by steve56 »

Didnt see it as i was out but id say prob drugged up.
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Re: Kerry Katona - This Morning appearance

Post by crofter »

Charlie & Drink I would say though I aint an expert.

Begs the question:
why was she allowed to go on a day time show in this state, seems ITV will do anything to try and attract attention and ratings. But in my mind this sort of desperation is why people DON'T watch ITV.

PEOPLE think Stephen Hawking is so clever, but when you ask him a question and he is typing in the answer on his little screen, how do we know he isn't just looking up the answer on the Internet?
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Re: Kerry Katona - This Morning appearance

Post by mrmcfister »

Probably had a couple of bottles of wine last night and still pissed for the interview.The longer version shows it off better than this....
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Re: Kerry Katona - This Morning appearance

Post by clare40dd »

shes coked up to fuck !

Cuckold is the new black
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Re: Kerry Katona - This Morning appearance

Post by speedybert »

Dr Hilary was on GMTV this am and sort of danced around the issue a bit but he did state that it's possible that the drug dosage stated was too high BUT it wouldn't be the reason for slurred speech the morning after.He made a thinly veiled reference to the impact that other factors(read into that what you will)would have an impact.

Basically she is an addictive personality who goes from one car crash to another.

As an ex acquaintence of mine once stated(he was an ex smackhead)

"Never trust a junkie" and he was right as I found out to my cost.

Thought you were smart when you took them on,
But you didnt take a peep in their artillery room,
All that rugby puts hairs on your chest,
What chance have you got against a tie and a crest.
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Re: Kerry Katona - This Morning appearance

Post by mrmcfister »

KERRY Katona?s fuming hubby had to be forcibly removed from This Morning studios by security after squaring up to host Phillip Schofield.
Seething Mark Croft, 38, yelled: ?You stitched her up? at the shocked presenter amid chaotic scenes backstage at the ITV1 show after Kerry?s shocking interview.

You can watch the video of the full interview below:

Show sources say Mark, was as ?out of it as Kerry? as he yelled at Phillip, 46.

As producers called security, wife Kerry, 28, screamed: ?I?m never coming back on this show.?

And Mark last night branded Phillip a ?f***ing idiot? from the couple?s ?1million home in Wilmslow, Cheshire.

Speaking about the interview, Phillip denied that he and co-host Fern Britton had ?ambushed? Kerry ? saying the reality telly star had ?ambushed herself? by slurring her words on Wednesday morning?s show.

But he admitted the interview was ?car crash? TV and said the star was ?very, very angry? after they asked about her health on the programme.

Kerry has said her slurred speech was a result of her prescription drugs for bipolar disorder.

But Phillip blamed Mark for letting her go on air, saying: ?Unfortunately she set herself up, or she was set up by the person who brought her in.

?What I would have to say is that if you are concerned about your wife ? as he obviously is ? and you are the person who has accompanied her in a car to bring her into a television studio, and you notice that particular morning her medication or whatever is having an effect on her speech, surely you shouldn?t bring her into a studio.?

Row ... Kerry at home yesterday

Explaining the circumstances leading up to the interview, Phillip told Radio 1 DJ Chris Moyles: ?She arrived very late and she didn?t give anyone any time to sit down and talk to her.

?She came through, we kissed her on the cheek and the programme went on air ? so at no point had we any idea what condition she might be in.?

He stressed there was ?no way our producer would have allowed that interview to go ahead, had we known the situation she?d found herself in that morning?.

Phillip insisted: ?The last thing I want to do is to witness a car crash in front of my eyes.?

Kerry has been taking Chlorpromazine, an anti-psychotic drug. She has previously battled drug addiction and depression, spending time in rehab.

And Phillip confirmed the row after the interview, saying: ?Kerry was obviously very, very angry with us and she got up and walked out of the studio with her husband.

?We didn?t attempt to stop her because we knew that she was a very angry girl and the last thing you want to do is to make that any worse. As a production team, we?re a bit sad this morning. I know that she walked down the corridor and said we?d ambushed her in the interview.


?At no time were alcohol or drug issues going to be mentioned. She ambushed herself slurring her words.?

In a message directed at the couple on yesterday?s This Morning, co-host Fern said they had been inundated with hundreds of emails from concerned viewers.

Fern, 51, said: ?Kerry, if you happen to be watching this morning ? and Mark ? our intention was never to get you upset or angry with us.

?We are just concerned. We can?t bear to see you not looking the Kerry we know ? and that?s all I?m going to say so take care of yourself.?