OJ SImpson goes down for 15 to life....

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Re: OJ SImpson goes down for 15 to life....

Post by c.j.jaxxon »

The way I look at it those who think O.J. killed his wife and Mr. Goldman are glad he's going down. I believe the whole thing was a set up and O.J. fell for it.
Don Roobles
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Re: OJ SImpson goes down for 15 to life....

Post by Don Roobles »

I think it has more to do with being able to afford a decent legal team rather than what colour he is

But if you want to take it there Mojo i can think of many many more cases where black people have been brutalised,murdred and a lot worse in the States.

I seem to remember a case where the police dragged a man along a road stuck in the door and was ripped to pieces and those scumbags got off!!

Fact is the US is a racist country end of!!

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Re: OJ SImpson goes down for 15 to life....

Post by colonel »

Don't feed the troll, Don...this guy was slagging off the Scots the other day and clearly seeking someone to explode...
one eyed jack
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Re: OJ SImpson goes down for 15 to life....

Post by one eyed jack »

Robches, all I'm saying is that he got off the first time round and I made no judgememnt simply because he isnt my mate and I dont know if he did or didnt kill that woman.

Because he got off the first time he is really taking the piss and must think he is invincible to think he can go on an armed robbery with four other guys this time and get away with it.

It wouldnt have been that bad if he stormed the guy armed only with his fists but he went in armed with four others.

Thats one dumb ass mother fucker to me. 2nd strike dude. You are going down. he is certainly guilty for armed robbery. I'm just saying my belief that he may have been innocent first time is shaken now because of this.

Dave Wells
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Re: OJ SImpson goes down for 15 to life....

Post by Dave Wells »

Yep, you are very correct Don.

Dave Wells

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Re: OJ SImpson goes down for 15 to life....

Post by Robches »

one eyed jack wrote:

> Robches, all I'm saying is that he got off the first time round
> and I made no judgememnt simply because he isnt my mate and I
> dont know if he did or didnt kill that woman.
> Because he got off the first time he is really taking the piss
> and must think he is invincible to think he can go on an armed
> robbery with four other guys this time and get away with it.
> It wouldnt have been that bad if he stormed the guy armed only
> with his fists but he went in armed with four others.
> Thats one dumb ass mother fucker to me. 2nd strike dude. You
> are going down. he is certainly guilty for armed robbery. I'm
> just saying my belief that he may have been innocent first time
> is shaken now because of this.

I'm not denying OJ was stupid to try and get his stuff back by force, though it has to be said it was his sporting memorabilia he was trying to get back.

As to his trial for murder, whether he did it or not (and who knows?), he was acquited, in my opinion, because he had excellent lawyers who proved beyond doubt that the LAPD detectives on his case were racists who fiddled the evidence. I am thinking in particular of the smear of OJ's blood at the crime scene, which was only found after the cops had taken a sample of OJ's blood, several cc's of which went missing between the police station and the crime lab. I wonder where that went?

I think the LAPD dicks were so used to fitting up people they thought were guilty that they did not realise that OJ had the money to get the best lawyers. They really were corrupt racist fucks who were caught out, but I dread to think how many poor folks they put in jail with manufactured evidence over the years.

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Re: OJ SImpson goes down for 15 to life....

Post by Mojo »

While the Scots have got their own parliament and we don't have an independent one of our own, then I'll carry on with the slagging off, colonel. I guess the idea of being under full Scottish control without having our own independent parliament under English control is beyond your small doormat brain, right? If we gain our own independent parliament where there's not a Scot to be seen, then I'll stop my sniping.
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Re: OJ SImpson goes down for 15 to life....

Post by Mojo »

Yes, there is a lot of injustice for normal black people in the US. But because Simpson was/is a famous and very popular black icon (a rich one at that) the courts went soft on him. Can you imagine the riots that could've happened if he was convicted? It also helps that his wife was "only" white. I can't think of any other reason he got off, especially seeing that even some of the jury thought he was guilty.
one eyed jack
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Re: OJ SImpson goes down for 15 to life....

Post by one eyed jack »

I dunno Mojo. its ionteresting because I could look at it another way that OJ shouldve swung for it because he was black man with a white woman.

Tha may have been the outcome if he had a court appointed lawyer but then th emessage I could read was that he got let off so that the establishment could say: "Well thats what you get for going out with ni- er coloured men (phew).

But then I htink I may be shooting wide of the mark here but I could think that was the message in letting him get away the first time but as Robches said and I'll go with that the LAPD shagged themselves hard in the ass when they fiddled the evidence.

Sounds about right.

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Re: OJ SImpson goes down for 15 to life....

Post by Mojo »

I don't think colour should've come into it, but I bet it did. All the blacks outside the courts wanted him released because he was their hero, and because they didn't care much for the victims. And the PC brigade inside bowed to that pressure. I believe Pollitical Correctness and the race card went a long way to finding him not guilty. I think if his wife was black, especially if he himself was white (no race card to play), then he would've been in some really deep shit and would've probably swung.

Don't get me wrong here, I quite like a lot of black Americans (more so than a lot of the white ones) and actually see eye to eye with them in a lot of cases, but in this case I believe the corrupt law swung the other way in the direction of Political Correctness and race pressure.