OJ SImpson goes down for 15 to life....

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one eyed jack
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Re: OJ SImpson goes down for 15 to life....

Post by one eyed jack »

This only serves to prove that he may have been guilty first time round.

I just couldnt make that judgement back then because all I'm being fed is what I hear or read from the media.

He is one dumb ass...coloured man!

Dave Wells
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Re: OJ SImpson goes down for 15 to life....

Post by Dave Wells »

May have been guilty, Terry. You're having a laugh.
I'll never forget when they interviewed the chief cop after OJ won the verdict. When asked "well are you going to keep looking for the killer now", he replied " No, we got the killer".
He got off because of a racist jury and coz Tyson didn't get off.

Dave Wells

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Re: OJ SImpson goes down for 15 to life....

Post by JonnyHungwell »

Maybe OJ deserves to go down, but the US system has some huge faults - from --- surely these 4 deserved to do time as well!

"Four other men charged in the case struck plea bargains that saved them from potential prison sentences in return for their testimony. Some of them had criminal records or were otherwise compromised in some way. One, for example, was an alleged pimp who testified he had a revelation from God telling him to take a plea bargain."

Hopefully they will befall some fate deserved by such people.
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Re: OJ SImpson goes down for 15 to life....

Post by Robches »

Dave Wells wrote:

I'll never forget when they interviewed the chief cop after OJ won the verdict. When asked "well are you going to keep looking for the killer now", he replied " No, we got the killer".

Ah, so the "chief cop" said he was guilty, therefore he must be guilty. Nice logic old chap. Let's not bother with courts in future, if the cops say you're guilty, then you're guilty.
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Re: OJ SImpson goes down for 15 to life....

Post by Robches »

one eyed jack wrote:

> This only serves to prove that he may have been guilty first
> time round.

Right, so carrying out a botched atempt to recover some of his sports memorabilia which had been stolen from him, means he's by definition a double killer. I'm not following the argument there.
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Re: OJ SImpson goes down for 15 to life....

Post by JonnyHungwell »

I always think it's strange when police are asked for their opinions after someone is sentenced or not. Their job isn't one of moralising, gloating over a conviction or bleating that the sentence wasn't tough enough. Their job is to catch the criminal and present the evidence, after that they should keep their mouths shut, whichever way the court decides. If they're not happy they should let the CPS know and they can appeal.
Dave Wells
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Re: OJ SImpson goes down for 15 to life....

Post by Dave Wells »

Don't be a prick.

That was one interview of a guy who saw all the evidence and he based his opinion on that. Does anyone know anyone else who was/is under suspicion for the murders that OJ did - no. Because nobody else can be under suspicion. It was him.

Dave Wells

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Re: OJ SImpson goes down for 15 to life....

Post by Mojo »

I remember well that even some of the jury thought he was guilty (the dumb twats still found him not guilty for some reason) and I also remember all too well all those blacks outside cheering for him and holding placards saying things like, "OJ, guilty or not we love you!"

Why did OJ get off in the murder trial? Political Correctness turned to letting a guy off just because he was a rich and famous black man. He was also rich and famous black man and his victim was "just" a white woman. I wonder if he would've got off if his wife had been black, or if he was white and his wife was black? Would those blacks outside have been so eager for him to win the case then?