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andy at handiwork
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Re: UFOs

Post by andy at handiwork »

I dont think they are lying but they are mistaken. I fail to see why, just because they are military men and pilots, that makes them any less likely to be deluded than the rest of the general population.
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Re: UFOs

Post by eroticartist »

andy at handiwork,
I made no mention of "little green men" and your Professor of Physiology at UCLA would be ostracised if he dared to start preaching any alternative theories to his students as he is bound to stick to the curriculum.
No human knows where the human race came from, why it is on the Earth and where it is going to, even though they profess to know all the answers but they are only theories.
Mike Freeman.

andy at handiwork
Posts: 4113
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Re: UFOs

Post by andy at handiwork »

eroticartist wrote:

> andy at handiwork,
> I made no mention of "little green men" >

Yes you did. Whats this then but a reference to them?

'My theory on this is linked to the fertile triangle and the emergence of farming and so on, the construction of the pyramids and a seemingly enormous leap in human intelligence about seven thousand years ago. This together with statements in the Bible about "winged chariots ascending into Heaven" together with accounts of two races on the Earth one being the Nephilim, described as gods, seems to point to this planet being visited by extra terrestrials in previous times.'

As for Jared Diamond having to stick to a curriculum or be ostracised, I doubt that very much. The whole point of science is the continual reassessment of what is known and peer review. However were he to suddenly put aside years of empirical knowledge about how we now know we developed in pre-historic times and started to teach that modern mankind was kick-started by alien visitors then quite rightly he would be a laughing stock.

The pyramids, and many other examples of large builing projects by ancient peoples were built by capable, intelligent, humans. Any 'seemingly enormous leap in human intelligence around 5000BC would almost certainly be the result of any number of factors in human developement over the previous 10000 years coming to some fruition, and not the intervention of alien influences , and I would hardly take the bible as a reliable source of information on rocket telemetry.

A pedant writes: it was the fertile crescent not triangle.
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Re: UFOs

Post by eroticartist »

andy at handiwork,
Because military men and pilots are used to keeping their cool and making observations and also because there are so many of them making the same observations.
Mike Freeman.
Steve R
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Re: UFOs

Post by Steve R »

To anyone who has bothered to make a serious study of this subject, the question of 'do they exist' will have been found to have been answered in the affirmative long since, and is now simply an unnecessary distraction.

The pertinent questions now, to the informed enquirer, are 'what are they?', 'who controls them?', 'what do they want?' and so on.

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Re: UFOs

Post by mrmcfister »

Crop Circles are made by aliens I suppose?
andy at handiwork
Posts: 4113
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Re: UFOs

Post by andy at handiwork »

Wouldn't it be great if they were made by aliens, using planks and string?
Posts: 1672
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Re: UFOs

Post by mrmcfister »

Now that would be a good photo!
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Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: UFOs

Post by eroticartist »

My beliefs as to 'what are they?' They are extremely sophisticated aircraft possibly coming from a mothership. 'Who controls them?' They are controlled by aliens from an advanced civilisation. 'what do they want?' They are observing Earthlings (some of whom have alien genes and who were stranded on Earth from a previous visit) some of whom are contemplating using weapons of mass destruction.
Mike Freeman.
