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Re: UFOs

Post by colonel »

Only 2.5% of 'UFOs' can't be explained- and I suspect that a lot of the remainder are American black projects.
Posts: 4156
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Frederick Valentich: Snatched by UFOs

Post by colonel »

Has anyone else heard of this? Possibly the greatest evidence yet for the existence of UFOs:

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Re: UFOs

Post by mrmcfister »

In a similar way you either believe or dont believe in ghosts.For what its worth I believe the end is the end and nobody,nothing,ever will make me doubt it.Your three score years and ten are just that so seize the days you have...Yes that makes me an ostrich but there you are!
Sam Slater
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Re: UFOs

Post by Sam Slater »

[quote]Well, I have continued to ask that question to every new student, their parents, my colleagues and so on, for the last twenty years and the result is still about one-in-four.[/quote]

1 in 3 Americans believe in ghosts.

20% of Christians say they've had a real conversation with God with around the same amount testifying to believe in miracles.

All your story tells me is that 1 in 4 people are credulous and like mystery stories so much that they're willing to lie to, not only others, but themselves as well.

Man found a way to create flying objects that were invisible to RADAR within 50 years of RADAR being widely used; aliens who seem to get around the problems of time dilation, and travelling faster than the speed of light, though, cannot seem to avoid -what must be very primitive to them- our RADAR and people with camera phones.......hmmmmm.

And no one seems to ask why these UFOs are here, and why they're so sneaky most of the time. We've transmitted enough radio waves and hours upon hours of TV footage, of ourselves, for over 100 years now. They could probably watch us very well from the next galaxy, without wasting recourses following airliners or scaring kids that are camping in the lake district.

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
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Re: UFOs

Post by eroticartist »

Thanks for this reliable evidence of a sighting.
Mike Freeman
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Re: UFOs

Post by eroticartist »

My theory on this is linked to the fertile triangle and the emergence of farming and so on, the construction of the pyramids and a seemingly enormous leap in human intelligence about seven thousand years ago. This together with statements in the Bible about "winged chariots ascending into Heaven" together with accounts of two races on the Earth one being the Nephilim, described as gods, seems to point to this planet being visited by extra terrestrials in previous times.
Mike Freeman.

Steve R
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Re: UFOs

Post by Steve R »


my suspicions with regard to this phenomenon correspond very closely with yours.

andy at handiwork
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Re: UFOs

Post by andy at handiwork »

In his book 'Guns, Germs and Steel: a short history of everybody for the last 13000 years', the inestimable Jared Diamond clearly, lucidly and convinvingly covers the birth of agriculture at its different times in various places around the world, starting in the Fertile Crescent of the Middle East around 10000 bc. No little green men, no alien help, no mystery, just the adaption to their surroundings by intelligent, capable and fully developed HUMAN BEINGS, to all intents and purposes like you and me.
andy at handiwork
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Re: Frederick Valentich: Snatched by UFOs

Post by andy at handiwork »

I suggest the liberal use of Ockhams Razor on this and every such case.
Posts: 2941
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Re: UFOs

Post by eroticartist »

Steve R,
"And they found the daughters of man attractive and lay with them" I think was the cause of a great battle?
Mike Freeman.