Didnt i use to be Prime Minister?

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Re: Didnt i use to be Prime Minister?

Post by crofter »

She has been in the land of the bewildered for quite a while I would say, but fair dues to the old bird she probably did more for "Girl Power" than the less fashionable Spice Girls ever managed - just those lesbos got more column inches for the privelege.
PEOPLE think Stephen Hawking is so clever, but when you ask him a question and he is typing in the answer on his little screen, how do we know he isn't just looking up the answer on the Internet?
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Re: Didnt i use to be Prime Minister?

Post by Stewie_McGriffin »

Colonel I agree with you there.

My history is a little hazy (I wasn't born when she first came to power), but didn't she win 4 elections? As in, she didn't take over by military coup?

So although many may despise her, the only people who's fault it is are the people that voted her in.

Crofter - lesbos? They're all married/in long term relationships and all of them have children.

I'd love to stay and chat but you're a total bitch.
Von Boy
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mr brown will be saying that soon!

Post by Von Boy »

"Didn't i use to be Prime Minister?"

something mr brown will be saying soon !

Also i think in the future people will look back on the new labour years with just the same aggression.......
........this will be known as the decade that finally destoryed britain's fabric of society forever......the last ten years will make the the 1980's and 70's look like we never had it so good in them days !

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Re: mr brown will be saying that soon!

Post by colonel »

This decade has been spent repairing the damage of 1979 to 1997!

Britain was broken under the Tories- it took that generation to grow up for the damage to be felt.
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Re: mr brown will be saying that soon!

Post by Jonone »

Okay, what period will be the halcyon years ? Wasn't the 70s, wasn't the 80s, you're rejecting Labour's administration. Would it be the 60s ? That's a long time ago and you'd have to ask someone who lived it and not accept it as it has come to be conveniently 'summed up'.

The best you can say of most things and times is it's not all good and it's not all bad but that doesn't chime with the black and white way in terms of which people are encouraged to think whereby it's one or the other. In order to be a little more fair minded and to identify good and bad one has to analyse rather than generalise.
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Re: mr brown will be saying that soon!

Post by Marino »

Shoot me now, but I quite liked her. now don't get me wrong I got burned heavy in the crash so it's not all through rose coloured specs.

But I would hate to have dementia, it must be terrifying, and I understand the families of such like the coal miners would think that is the least she deserves, but what a rotten way to go.

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Re: mr brown will be saying that soon!

Post by Guilbert »

>This decade has been spent repairing the damage of 1979 to 1997!

What a load of absolute rubbish.

Have look back at the period JUST BEFORE Thatcher came to power, the Winter of Discontent. THIS WAS UNDER A LABOUR GOVERNMENT.


The unions had got too powerful and were striking over nothing at all. Rubbish was piling up on the streets, the dead were not being buried.

People like Red Robbo at British Leyland were bringing people out on strike for a laugh (hope he is happy now our car industry has gone).

This country was on the floor and the laughing stock of Europe.

The country needed a good shake up, and Thatcher gave it that shake up.

If she was that bad she would not have got elected in time and time again.

Yes, she went a bit mad at the end, but she had done a LOT of good for this country.

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Re: mr brown will be saying that soon!

Post by steve56 »

Do you mean with regards the Irish problem she certainly did not want to talk to IRA members not like Labour.Guilbert wrote:

> >This decade has been spent repairing the damage of 1979 to
> 1997!
> What a load of absolute rubbish.
> Have look back at the period JUST BEFORE Thatcher came to
> power, the Winter of Discontent. THIS WAS UNDER A LABOUR
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winter_of_Discontent
> The unions had got too powerful and were striking over nothing
> at all. Rubbish was piling up on the streets, the dead were not
> being buried.
> People like Red Robbo at British Leyland were bringing people
> out on strike for a laugh (hope he is happy now our car
> industry has gone).
> This country was on the floor and the laughing stock of Europe.
> The country needed a good shake up, and Thatcher gave it that
> shake up.
> If she was that bad she would not have got elected in time and
> time again.
> Yes, she went a bit mad at the end, but she had done a LOT of
> good for this country.
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Re: mr brown will be saying that soon!

Post by steve56 »

Her daughters OK i think
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Re: mr brown will be saying that soon!

Post by dynatech »

Didn't Ted Heath come down with a form of dementia as early as 1977? I believe that's why he stood down in '76 & went from being a popular PM to a nonentity pretty quickly. Maggie's main man Ronnie Reagan is also another famous ex-leader who came down with senile dementia.
Thing is, these people rose to the top in their 50's & 60's (and in Reagans case 70's) which makes the decline more noticeable - your average working people spend their 50's dreaming of retirement and then start to steadily decline whilst the 3 I've mentioned were still ruling countries

They're locking them up today, they're throwing away the key...I wonder who it be tomorrow, you or me?