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Post by eroticartist »

I wonder if anyone on this forum has ever seen a UFO and if so what do they think they are?
Mike Freeman.
Posts: 45
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Re: UFOs

Post by catelover »

Dear Mr Freeman

No, I haven't seen one, and I firmly believe that any 'sightings' are complete bollocks, made up by people who have too much time on their hands, or by people with drink/drugs problems.

Then again all this UFO bollocks gives the tabloids something to fill their rags with, when they have nothing better to print, so I presume we will always have to put up with this nonsense.

Whilst we are discussing fictional bollocks.....Anyone out there ever spotted Nessie??
Steve R
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Re: UFOs

Post by Steve R »

Mike, I'm not certain if I've seen one, but I've spoken to many people who have.

Some twenty years ago, one of my students (I am a music professor, as I may have mentioned before) noted that I had a book on the subject in my library. He asked me if the reason the book was there was because I had seen one. I replied that I had seen something in the sky once, but that the sighting had been so brief that I couldn't positively say 'yes'.

He told me that he had had two, good, close sightings so that he knew that the phenomenon was a real one (he also said that he had no idea what they were or where they came from). He then told me that about a quarter of the population have seen these things.

I read a little further on this matter, then realised that I could put his last claim to the test - I asked all of my students if they had ever definitely seen a UFO. To my surprise, out of the twenty-seven students I had at that moment in time, seven replied in the affirmative.

Well, I have continued to ask that question to every new student, their parents, my colleagues and so on, for the last twenty years and the result is still about one-in-four.

In recent years, a great many retired military men, of the highest rank, have confirmed publicly that the phenomenon is a real one. Unfortunately, it appears that the media are most reluctant to publicize this fact. Perhaps they are not permitted to do so.

The original student, with whom I have kept in touch, and myself, have continued to research the subject for all these years and we still have no idea what they are, or where they come from.

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Re: UFOs

Post by colonel »

I've never experience UFOs, though I have experienced the paranormal on several occasions.
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Re: UFOs

Post by eroticartist »

Dear Catelover,
I was walking up Lyam Road that runs past Brixon Prison near where I lived in South London accompanied by my girlfriend when both of us saw two scompletely black UFOs without markings which circled around several times before disappearing. They were not saucer shaped but of streamlined aerodynamic appearance but far smaller than conventional aircraft. They were also seen by a few kids who were looking up and pointing and I will never forget the incident.
Mike Freeman.

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Re: UFOs

Post by Stewie_McGriffin »

Mike, why not write us all an essay on the subject?

I'd love to stay and chat but you're a total bitch.
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Re: UFOs

Post by JonnyHungwell »

Many years ago (in the 60's) I saw half a dozen red objects in the western sky on a dark autumn night. At first they were standing still and I couldn't make out what they were. Then they went back and forth across the sky for a few minutes, so fast and with no noise at all - stopping to hover every now and again, before darting in another direction. Then in an instant they just disappeared. They weren't aeroplanes or helicopters, and I don't think we could make anything like that even today. Just one of those strange unexplainable moments - I've never seen anything like it since.
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Re: UFOs

Post by Lizard »

I believe they exist and there have been genuine sightings, because I refuse to believe there can only be one inhabited planet in the universe..btw interesting post.

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Re: UFOs

Post by colonel »

Or secret American planes..or planes from another dimension or a parallel universe- the existence of which would solve physics problems, not create them btw.

Good to see Liz still here and still posting.