Population of UK increases by 2 million...

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Population of UK increases by 2 million...

Post by max_tranmere »

The British population has gone up by some 2 million in the last few years. This is because of mass immigration, foreign people having so many kids here, and fewer people dying. I am concerned for the future. The south-east of England is one of the most densely populated places on earth and more and more green areas are disappearing all the time. The Government has the power to control immigration much better than it does but couldn't care less. We have imported the equivilant of more than half the population of Scotland into Britain in the last 11 years. We have a Prime Minister elected by no one, we have a Government "elected" by 36 percent of the voters in 2005, and they are hell bent on allowing all this to happen. Imagine what Britain will be like within a generation when the population has hit 80 million. What are other people's views on this?
Steve R
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Re: Population of UK increases by 2 million...

Post by Steve R »

It is a real cause for concern.

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Re: Population of UK increases by 2 million...

Post by mrmcfister »

Disagree.On balance I think that the more the people the better.Most people IMHO are basically good .Population increase raises challenges but there are vast swathes of land in the UK with very low population density.We are the 5th most wealthy country on the planet it is a question of priorities about how its spent.Not an issue for me really ...I will be well dead by the time the big ideas get addressed.
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Re: Population of UK increases by 2 million...

Post by planeterotica »

A bigger population wouldnt matter if we had a bigger land mass to go with it as it would widen the economy, but the fact is we are just a tiny island but even this wouldnt matter even if the population rose to 80 million providing everyone was more evenly spread around the UK, i live in the south east and always have done so i know just how densley populated this area now is and its only going to get worse !sad!

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Re: Population of UK increases by 2 million...

Post by Stewie_McGriffin »

Where's your evidence that the population will hit 80m in a generation? You say that as though it will cause a problem. Higher population = more disposable income swirling round the economy. Similarly, a recent study highlighted on the BBC indicated that far from increasing, the number of workers in the UK from the likes of Poland and Romania is actually decreasing as people become homesick.

I'd love to stay and chat but you're a total bitch.
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Re: Population of UK increases by 2 million...

Post by planeterotica »

The trouble is with other emerging economies such as China and India if we dont expand our own economy then the UK will become less insignificant than we already are, China still sees us as a good market to export to which gives us a small bit of clout in world affairs, GB.plc does need to expand but not just in the south east !wink!

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Re: Population of UK increases by 2 million...

Post by max_tranmere »

Stewie. The population HAS increased by 2m over the last 6 years. These are official Government figures released today. It's been reported on the news a lot this evening, and has been announced online too.

You ask why I dont move myself. I don't want to as I come from this country, just like countless generations of my family before me. I'm staying put. It is not written in any of the racial equality legislation that one has to see their own way of life, culture, heritage, history, traditions, etc, be hugely altered, in some cases heavily eroded or eradicated, and one must like it. It is the huge changes that are going on as so many immigrants refuse to assimilate that means all these changes to our way of life. We've also imported huge numbers of criminals aswell. From Somalian warlords to Yardie drug dealing gunmen from Jamaica, to Romanian gansters aswell.

It is a Government stated fact that part of the reason for the rising population is becuase of high immigrant birthrates. One in 4 children now born in the Uk is born to parents born overseas. These are Government facts and figures.

I see unmanaged, uncontrolled immigration as a bad thing, yes. We have the highest immigration into the UK now for over 1,000 years. I am all for a cosmopolitan society, it is all I've ever known. There is a differnce however between 'cosmopolitan' and 'saturation'. They hoped that about 15,000 people would move here from eastern Europe when the 10 new countries joined in 2004. The figure has been more like 1m. Again, they are the Government's figures. We were one of only 3 countries to not have a quota system in 2004, out of 25 EU nations. The others being Ireland and Sweden. We have been absolutely swamped. Not just in the large cities either - now one in every 20 people in Southampton, for example, is a Pole.

We did elect the Labour Party in 2004, yes. But many voted for the party specifically because it was led by Blair - who promised to do a full term. That arrogant twat in no.10 now was not supposed to arrive until the subsequent election, but Blair quit after 2 years as he became the first British PM to ever be interviewed by the Police under caution (over the cash for honours business) so Brown became our PM without anyone being asked, and 3 years earlier than he was supposed to be in a position to.

You talk about how the bigger the working population is, the more disposable income their is swishing around the economy. The majority of the beneifit to the immigrant worker is to himself. Many send money home and that means a lot of their cash doesn't stay here. And this thing we always her about how loads of eastern Europeans are returning home is exagerated. It's a political statement put out by the Labour Government to try to make people feel better following their massive cock-up over the numbers.

Have a look at predictions by non-politically orientated bodies at what they expect the population to be like in a generation's time. It is scary. The minister in charge of immigration is a man called Liam Byrne, and I read that he has three young kids. He obviously doesn't care much about the lives they will have here when they are older. The Sun newspaper said that putting Liam Byrne in charge of immigration was like putting an arsonist in charge of the Fire Brigade.
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Re: Population of UK increases by 2 million...

Post by colonel »

max_tranmere wrote:

> The British population has gone up by some 2 million in the
> last few years. This is because of mass immigration, foreign
> people having so many kids here, and fewer people dying. I am
> concerned for the future.

Economic growth occurs because of population growth. There is plenty of green space left in England.

>The south-east of England is one of
> the most densely populated places on earth and more and more
> green areas are disappearing all the time.

Agreed- better action needs to be taken to preserve the green belt, especially in the south east of England.

> We have a Prime Minister elected by no one,

Like in 1990 when Major replaced Thatcher. The Tories said then that no General Election was needed. Or in 1963 when Hume replaced Macmillan...1958 when Macmillan replaced Eden..and on and on.

>Imagine what
> Britain will be like within a generation when the population
> has hit 80 million. What are other people's views on this?

Your problem is, Arch? Free movement of capital must require free movement of labour. That's only fair.
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Re: Population of UK increases by 2 million...

Post by Robches »

"Your problem is, Arch? Free movement of capital must require free movement of labour. That's only fair."

That has to be one of the most stupid things I have ever read.
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Re: Population of UK increases by 2 million...

Post by max_tranmere »

colonel. Have a read of my next long comment, six down in the list. I go into more detail.