BBC sent 437 staff to olympics

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Von Boy
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BBC sent 437 staff to olympics

Post by Von Boy »

Someone has told me the BBC sent 437 staff to china to cover the olympics ! all paid out of TV tax money......also the presenters who are there will be given a bonus at the end of the games......5 Live has been completely taken over by the games... along with most other BBC bits.....

every time theres a broadcast from china i imagine people say " bloody hell he/she is out there as well !"

Lineaker wanted to go but due to match of the day he was not allowed......shame

"Adrian Charles.......what is his point of being on this earth ???"

PS Also I was told the BBC expects to send 75 staff to cover the US elections in November !

Proud to be Von Boy
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Re: BBC sent 437 staff to olympics

Post by dimi »

Ahhhhhh the BBC, they are good sports. Nice to know that we (the general public) are paying for so many other people having a good time, wankers !swear!

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Re: BBC sent 437 staff to olympics

Post by Jonone »

Most of the journos are going through the motions asking the most obvious an inane questions eg Q: What does it feel like? A: I can't really describe it.
Because as a culture we're seemingly so obsessed with 'emotion' and 'passion' it's as if the interviewers have been instructed to 'push the buttons' to get this from the interviewees, so if someone is on the edge of tears ... whether they be tears of joy or disappointment it's the BBC's job to scent this like a shark and tip them over the edge.

I find it manipulative and undignified and personally I don't equate sincerity with outpourings of emotion ... everyone is different but this kind of coverage seeks to reduce human behaviour to uniform responses ... 'x' happens and 'y' is the response. It's nonsense.

R5 interviewed Christine Ohurugu and asked the 'How does it feel?' question to which Ohurugu answered 'I don't really know how i'm supposed to feel' and proceeded to give a measured interview. After the i/v concluded because her behaviour didn't compute(she wasn't ecstatic) the interviewer said she was 'stunned'. She wasn't stunned she merely challenged their simplistic assumption that everyone reacts in the same way, and reserved the right to be herself. Good for you Christine !

When the BBC screened the documentary about the Ugandan athlete John Aki Buui there was footage of him breaking the 400m world record in 1972 by nearly 2 seconds. His celebration was fairly subdued. Four years later Ed Moses beat Aki Buui's record. Again, his celebration was low-key. In 1968 Bob Beamon famously broke the long jump record ... and went wild. People are different, but it seems that people now want to see emotion writ large in a uniform way because they're troubled by the complexity of diversity and variation.

People are alike and different, predictable and unpredictable. I resist things which suggest otherwise.
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Re: BBC sent 437 staff to olympics

Post by Trumpton »

Alice In Blunderland wrote:

> A similar row has erupted at TMS as fomer test player Mike
> Selvey has been shelved, while they introduce people like Arlo
> White & Mark Pougatch to the commentary team.

Shelved = retirement.

Apparently the BBC had a choice, either retire Boycott or Mike Selvey. They've obviously selected the wrong one. On the upside though, Simon Hughes is joining TMS.
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Re: BBC sent 437 staff to olympics

Post by mrmcfister »

Must agree.. this is a gravy train with all the carriages Pulmans.There is amazing waste throughout the BBC...if it was private industry 9/10 ths of them wouldn't get on the platform.And still they fuck up..the shipping forecast at 05.20 hrs this morning was the wrong one.How the fuck does that happen??!!!
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Re: BBC sent 437 staff to olympics

Post by Trumpton »

Alice In Blunderland wrote:

> I am not a fan of Selvey personally, he sounds like & his style
> is too much like Gus Fraser who also commentates for them,- you
> only really need one. I also have to question his ability,
> after he said he thought Paul Harris is a good quality spinner
> recently.

True. These two do have very similar speaking styles. Another reason why Selvey was prematurely retired is his age - although he is younger than Boycott. !confused!

> I like Boycott, he is entertaining & has great chemistry with
> Agnew.

Aggers can very easily (and deliberately) wind-up Boycott. This results in a twenty minute diatribe from Boycott.

> I would not be too sad to see Blowers go- all he ever
> does is drone on about birds, buses, claret & cake in that
> ridiculous voice.

Agreed. Time to pension him off.

> Hughes is a good addition & if he is leaving Sky a loss to
> them

I thought Hughes currently works for Channel Five?
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Re: BBC sent 437 staff to olympics

Post by Nob3y »

dont you just hate it when sombody has done some running for example and they are quite rightly out of breath.
Then fuck me every fucking time some shit stick poke a mic on their gob for an interview !!!!
fuck of for a couple of mins then they can talk to you properly

Born to Lose..... Live to Win
Dave Wells
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Re: BBC sent 437 staff to olympics

Post by Dave Wells »

Yep, jobs for the boys at the beeb. I have given up trying to get a cameraman job with them coz they never even advertise.

Dave Wells