BGAFD and Mike Freeman

A place to socialise and share opinions with other members of the BGAFD Community.
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Re: BGAFD and Mike Freeman

Post by dimi »

Cheers, I do try !happy!
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Re: BGAFD and Mike Freeman

Post by mrmcfister »

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Re: BGAFD and Mike Freeman

Post by jimslip »

I don't know anything to do with Mike, however I've read his posts, which are often controversial and some would say a tad paranoid.

However, i'd have to say, he should be able to express his eccentric views if he so wishes. it's up to us to argue for and against his points, if one can be bothered.

I am reminded of Voltaire's famous quote;

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it".

However, whether I would personally go to my death, to defend Mike's opinions is questionable!

Maybe the most powerful weapon against his views, for those that dislike his opinions, would be to simply ignore his posts, rather than ban them altogether.

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Re: BGAFD and Mike Freeman

Post by steve56 »

I confess i didnt read all his posts all the way through i got sidetracked really and was reading about Krays/Richardsons gangs on Wikipedia!Bob Singleton wrote:

> Ace wrote:
> > I, for one, will no longer be posting on this forum until
> Mike
> > Freeman has his membership cancelled form here. His recent
> > posts have left me feeling like this is no longer a place I
> > want to be associated with.
> > I have had issues with people here before, and my posts can
> be
> > bollocks, but Mikes posts of late are inexcusable.
> > Warren Zevon RIP and Magoo were both banned for posts far
> less
> > offensive.
> > I hope others on this forum will veto this site until such a
> > time that Mike Freeman is also banned
> >
> I'm with you on that Ace... to say that his most recent posts
> on rape and Mohammed being a paedophile are distasteful is a
> gross understatement.
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Re: BGAFD and Mike Freeman

Post by colonel »

Replying to my own posts, eh....

I didn't think that anyone other than Mike could think I was having a dig at them; or that they would be paranoid enough to ramble on about it......

But, guess what- the usual suspect has...

Dealing with Mike requires unity and strength- not someone making personal remarks about me, other posters and the BGAFD Admins from the safety of another site.
Sam Slater
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Re: BGAFD and Mike Freeman

Post by Sam Slater »

[quote]and as the denizens of a certain breakaway forum know, if you huff and puff I just make more and more noise.[/quote]

You talk of unity and yet you're giving out sarky digs at certain posters which have nothing to do with the debate at hand.

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
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Re: BGAFD and Mike Freeman

Post by NeilUK »

This is what I said in an earlier post, no doubt no one is happier than Mike at the moment. He seems to be the central figure all of a sudden on BGAFD, just ignore him it really is the best weapon
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Re: BGAFD and Mike Freeman

Post by colonel »

But a poster on your site made it part of the debate.

Even as I help you guys knock Mike, your site knocks me. So much for support, eh.
Sam Slater
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Re: BGAFD and Mike Freeman

Post by Sam Slater »

Maybe you have a short memory, or you're trying to insult my intelligence, but it was you that made it part of the debate by saying Mike would 'fit in' better over at huffers. Obviously, this was unnecessary and unfair, and you got a reaction; you're now following it up with more sarcastic digs and when you get a response you try and pin it on the usual old enemy.

What do you want? The freedom to dish out sarcastic and untrue comments but no one's able to retort? Using any thread possible to have a pop at Wazza, or more recently the huffers in general, is just pure provocation and aggravation.

By all means have a go at us if you have issues about anything read on huffers, but this crap Mike's brought up has nothing to do with your personal war with Wazza.

[quote]if you huff and puff I just make more and more noise.[/quote]

Yep....lots of noise. Mostly lies about homophobia with plenty of sarcasm.

I suppose I could have condensed this post in one sentence: Give it a fucking rest...

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
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Re: BGAFD and Mike Freeman

Post by BeestonBoy »


Now I doubt for one second any one would really give a toss,but I have decided to join Ace on this one. The only reason I have decided to mention this is because I feel its important to voice my support on this particular subject.

I always said to me self that when I did finally storm off in a huff (tee hee) that I would keep it to my self. But this is more than slinking off in a sulk.

So for now (at the very least) I am blowing this popsicle stand. Take care you crazy kids and thanks for having me over the past three years. In the words of Salvidor Dali....

Laters Bitches


'I see the usual gang of misfits and dope addicts are here'