The Bang Babes an' all that

A place to socialise and share opinions with other members of the BGAFD Community.
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Re: The Bang Babes an' all that

Post by crofter »

Are we (the members of the board) 100% sure that Wzr hasn't moved in with Sam Slater for the holiday season and somehow managed to sneak on to his computer (perhaps Sam went into a coma for a fortnight!wink!) for a couple of days of offal posting ... because Sam is sounding more and more like Captain Wzr in his heyday by the day ... I bet this Huffers joint really is a barrel of laughs though.!whistle!

PEOPLE think Stephen Hawking is so clever, but when you ask him a question and he is typing in the answer on his little screen, how do we know he isn't just looking up the answer on the Internet?
Sam Slater
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Re: The Bang Babes an' all that

Post by Sam Slater »

[quote]Because no-one else apart from me reads the damn site![/quote]

The stats say otherwise. You don't have to be a member of a site to get your IP address logged. Any visitor is logged, colonel. That includes here, before you start likening huffers to big brother again.

[quote]I'm afraid the entertainment is nearly over for tonight, but I read the nameless thing is now thanking the new members for their help in the 'first engagement'. Can you help us all, Sam, by telling us all what this 'engagement' could be?[/quote]

I think I can give you an accurate guess, colonel, and I'm willing to reveal it; firstly, though, can I have quotes of that homophobia that you've been banging on about all through this thread?

You have persistently accused me of tolerating homophobic posts, despite having no proof. Your harassment of me on this is becoming irritable. Now, I don't mind being harassed, or irritated by something that's true, but if you constantly harass someone over a falsehood, then your ONLY motive must be to cause trouble. If you're purposely causing trouble then you are, in fact, becoming something what you accused Dibble of??that being: A troll.

Wazza once accused someone of something, when he had no proof, and was escorted from the forums. While your false accusations aren't as serious, they are alike in principle.

During our 'debate', I have been as polite as possible, despite false accusations and harassment. This thread, I admit, may be tedious to some, but no one can accuse me of lying to gain the upper hand.

The facts are, colonel, that around three months ago, you accused Officer Dibble of something, and then left the forums in a tumultuous state; maybe you sat back and enjoyed your handywork? Upon your return, it hasn't taken you long to accuse another forumite of a falsehood and persistently harass them about it.

Now, for the umpteenth time: If you find ANY passages of a homophobic nature, on huffers, quote those passages here and I WILL moderate according to my personal moral code.

If, as I confidently predict, you're unable to find anything remotely homophobic, please desist harassing a fellow forumite about this seemingly made up lie.

And since I'm a forgiving chap, I'll accept your apologies.

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
Sam Slater
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Re: The Bang Babes an' all that

Post by Sam Slater »

I'm much too handsome to be mistaken for Wazza, crofter.

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
Deuce Bigolo
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Re: The Bang Babes an' all that

Post by Deuce Bigolo »

Wazza made a rod for his own back

I agree those that still have issues with WZR should have moved on when he left the building.The fact that he posts what ever on another forum shouldnt even enter into the equation

Seem to recall another forumite sticking the boots into BGAFD but because it was at the industry & the mods it was seen as entertaining.Funny how its not so funny when the target is closer to home

I dont give orders Im a follower not a leader

Everyone has their own way of dealing with extreme views.I dont begrudge anyone the right to oppose them for their own piece of mind but simply think its wasted energy.

Extreme views met with ridicule/hostility in disguise = stalemate

Imagine trying to oppose this egg and change his views with ridicule or reasoned debate
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Re: The Bang Babes an' all that

Post by crofter »

Forget all that shit Buttsie ... people have always argued on this forum (various serious threats and violent outbursts throughout the years lol) and in my view the mods have been very, very leniant compared to any of the other forums I visit - I can assure you the majority of us on here would have been out on our arse a long time ago. I actually preferred the forum when we had some (human) interaction with the mods but I dare say their now anonymous posting is for a good reason.

I got a few questions for you which I will post up (for all us Brits) to see your thoughts on all things Oz shortly once I get a moment.
PEOPLE think Stephen Hawking is so clever, but when you ask him a question and he is typing in the answer on his little screen, how do we know he isn't just looking up the answer on the Internet?
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Re: The Bang Babes an' all that

Post by Trumpton »

colonel wrote:

> Trumpy, where have you been? Please post more often- we need
> you and this Forum needs you...common sense in crazy times!

I don't post much here these days. Do you know something which is very interesting; the BGAFD isn't the only forum on the internet. This news might be of a surprised to some posters' here. I've discovered that there are many many other forums out in the big world of the 'net. !pleased!
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Re: The Bang Babes an' all that

Post by Lizard »

"I got a few questions for you which I will post up (for all us Brits) to see your thoughts on all things Oz shortly once I get a moment."

Careful Buttsie, thats how he started stalking me, I cant get the fucker away from me now..!grin!

[_]> No Liberals were harmed during the making of this post.
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Re: The Bang Babes an' all that

Post by colonel »

I quite, quite agree Trumpy!

Though it didn't stop the nameless one have a dig at even you, claiming that you had admitted to beating up a Big Issue seller.


On second thoughts, I see what you mean....
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Re: The Bang Babes an' all that

Post by Trumpton »

colonel wrote:

> I quite, quite agree Trumpy!
> Though it didn't stop the nameless one have a dig at even you,
> claiming that you had admitted to beating up a Big Issue
> seller.
> WTF?
> On second thoughts, I see what you mean....

I don't deny that I defended myself in a robust and pro-active manner when I was a victim of an unprovoked attack by a thug selling a Big Issue magazine.

This is old news, Wazza knows this doesn't he?
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Re: The Bang Babes an' all that

Post by colonel »

I am afraid the nameless one made it sound like you had started it...he certainly brought it back to the attention of his readership.

I have nothing against any forum on the Net- I would be a fool if I did- but just against those who bully and misdirect/lie in order to make phoney points.