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one eyed jack
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Post by one eyed jack »

But they're not lending it to their friends at all are they Steve? I doubt anyone knows who anyone is downloading this stuff. So its not the same at all really.

If you lend your dvd to a friend you do it one at a time because you have one copy.

You lend an upload out it gets to about hundreds of thousands. Add that up and you can see the serious loss of revenue to the producer of that work.

So its stealing.

Why dont people kust admit it instead of looking for justification?

How would you feel if 500,000 people borrowed your car? Drank your beer and put their feet up on your table?

If you dont give your permission I guess that would be stealing. Unless you are a real generous guy that is.
Johnnyboy 22
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Post by Johnnyboy 22 »

whilst i dont agree with theft oneye, i am gulity of downloading the odd episode of lost on there, for many thousands of people if the temptation is there to download for free of course they will get it. Where the problem lies is with the big studios, with the exception of apple where you can watch US shows on there site for a fee can you name 5 others. Until these Big companies let you download the content for a reasonable price then this will always happen.
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Post by michaeldon1 »

I can understand,not downloading current stuff,but what about things that are no longer available,or out of copyright????
I think this has more to do with companies keeping control of everything,rather than finances...
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Post by Peter »

Just go shoplifting if you really don't see the problem with theft.
We have need of you again, great king.
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Post by michaeldon1 »

They don't seem to have any probs with youtube or it's just the little peeps they want to stop not the corporations....
one eyed jack
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Post by one eyed jack »

Michaeldon1: It looks like you are searching for reasons to justify your actions.

Youtube and daily motion dont run 2 hour movies or play albums on a jukebox all day. Sure there maybe a lot of stuff that isnt there legally but I imagine those sites are big to police but they catch up with it sooner or later...even then they have a disclaimer that people seem to disregard about putting up material thet they own anyway.

As for corporations trying to control everything rather than finances...???

Sure if its not bolted down someones going to nick it and if its available for free why not? Thats the same mentality a scally wag uses to rob you of your goodies on a back street. Deep down you know it was there illegally as no company is going to give what they invested millions in away for free.

People should just admit to stealing...The yeah but no but, yeah but dont cut it.

If your mate uploaded a file and gave you the link direct then I wouldnt class that as stealing even though technically it is if you read the disclaimer at the beginning of most dvds where it says the producer has granted the license etc...The bit no one reads where it lays it on the line clearly the legal ramifications of owning a dvd or album you have purchased.

Yes it is yours..just not yours to give away or lend or otherwise redistribute, re-edit, tamper with anyway you see fit as long as its for your own use.
one eyed jack
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Post by one eyed jack »

Why do you think those guys got raided at the **********? Thats in Europe. It was a long time coming and new legislation coming in is going to make it easier to shut those purveyors of stolen content down one by one.

Commercial companies will have a vested interest in seeing this happen. The BBFC Online is just the beginning of this change and corporate control you mention.

All those cocky guys who think they can run and stick their fingers up are going to get a rude awakening. The raid on that and other sites recdently (torrentspy I believe) are just the calm before the storm.

It will get so bad in the coming years that people will think the apocalypse is upon them.
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Post by michaeldon1 »

Does anyone actually download full movies from these sites???
Too time consuming and full of viruses...
Has anyone looked at EBAY lately???the amount of what must be pirate dvd's for sale is huge...that is where the real crime/theft is being for youtube,I've seen plenty of movies chopped up and posted under different names there...the accounts are closed down after a few days,but there still there.....
Sam Slater
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Post by Sam Slater »

Theft is indeed theft.

I must question the moralistic stance producers take on piracy though. As a producer, you want to produce something as cheaply as possible, while selling at as much profit as possible. You can do this within the law, but cannot do this without some level of exploitation.

You must know girls/couples that can be talked into doing a scene for, say, ?100 cheaper than other couples. This is because some people have less business sense, may need the money more, or just a little bit more naive than others. In talking someone to do a scene for less money than you normally need to make a profit, you're exploiting their naivety (for instance).

The same goes in the selling. A seller can put the prices up on something that's in demand and so is exploiting the customers when the economic circumstances permit.

Now, we all know the legal difference between straight theft and capitalistic exploitation -both of the worker and customer- but is one more immoral than the other? Does it make the exploiter a better person than the thief?

You could argue that the criminal -the uploader- defends his position because as a customer he purchased the DVD and was exploited. Disney still charge ?20 for that DVD despite being multi-trillion-dollar studio. Couldn't they still make a profit charging ?18? If they could get by by charging ?18 aren't they exploiting each customer out of ?2? In charging that extra ?2 did the workers who helped in the production of this DVD get paid a little bit extra, or is that extra ?2 just profit surplus?

Capitalism is all about taking advantage of another persons weakness for your own gain - while there's an element of risk involved in any business adventure, the more successful that adventure becomes, it's not the labourer or customer that profits, it's the exploiter.

This isn't an excuse for theft, but a reminder that exploitation is, in my opinion, as bad as theft and worse than sharing.

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
one eyed jack
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Post by one eyed jack »

You would never catch me dead buying a pirate dvd. Thats just sacrilege! Ho wanyone would want to see a video of the latest blockbuster on their tv with average picture quality than the big screen where it was menat to be seen is beyond me.

I hear that picture quality is almost close to dvd now but still not interested.