Max Hardcore found guilty

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Officer Dibble
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Re: Max Hardcore found guilty

Post by Officer Dibble »

"Has it occurred to anyone that maybe the girls a. Do not mind it"

Yes, Terrance, it has. Indeed I've been pointing this out for the past decade. Of course there are many around these parts who don't want to hear that. It spoils the idealized vision they have constructed of the girl in their own minds. They don't want to hear that their favorite girl has little or no sense of aesthetics, propriety, or self-respect and that in actual fact she is just as skanky and complicit as Max and his creepy fans. Instead there seems to be a bizarre overwhelming desire to believe that Max kidnaps the girls off the street and subjects them to all that hardcore skankiness and indignity against their will. There are none so blind as those who will not see.

?Max is the asshole personae that some men would want to be but are afraid of.?

Interesting. Personally, I?ve never felt the slightest desire to be or do anything remotely Max Hardcoreish. But I do occasionally see glimpses of it in other men ? usually two distinct types of men.

First of all there?s the obvious ones - the sad lonely creeps who tend to live in green walled bedsits. These people have never been socialized properly and are somewhat inadequate. They don?t know how to behave round women or how to interact with them and are fearful and resentful. They have no idea of how a normal man/woman relationship is played out. They live their sexual lives hidden safely (from women) behind a commuter screen and their sexual fantasies are played out by proxy ? usually in the shape of some chortling oaf, some git brandishing a chav-cam. A person they can identify with, someone who?s ?keeping it real?. Of course it?s all pretty fucking far from ?real?. But the sad twats don?t know that, or don?t want to know. They want to believe they could pick any omigod scrubber up from a council estate and the have a dam good chortle as they rough the unappealing slappa up round her flat. Maybe it empowers these people to see this ? to see 'dirty sluts? being subjugated and abused, even if it is by proxy? Maybe for a few moments they feel like real men, in control, teaching those frightening women a lesson. Having their way, whether the women like it or not? Of course, for them, the chavier the women the better. They could never aspire to a clean, intelligent, stylish, confident and immaculately turned out women, because for them this type of women is the most frightening and unattainable of all.

Then there?s the geezer with ethnic cultural baggage. In their old culture women were most definitely second-class citizens. All women apart from their mothers and sisters are ?dirty sluts? or ?slags? and to be treated (and shagged) accordingly. And it?s not just those who are fresh off the boat that harbor these sentiments either.

As for Max himself, from the interviews I?ve seen I must say he seems a remarkably affable and businesslike chap. In fact I believe he?s totally dispassionate about the Max Hardcore business. Because it?s just that, a business, an act. Nothing more. It?s the fuckers who both buy and take part in his movies that we should be turning our noses up at.

Officer Dibble

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Re: Max Hardcore found guilty

Post by Deano! »

I wonder if the prosecution realise that Max's product is just one of dozens of similar themes available? From what I can ascertain from the AVN story, the charges relate to the transmission of obscene material in locations where its not allowed. Surely Max's stuff cant be the only porn on servers in Florida. It looks like the term 'obscene' is going to be the point to appeal over.

Anyway, Max's on screen character is so ridiculously obnoxious, one could even argue that it is intended to be unbelievable. Imagine a real modeling agent interviewing a girl with his dick sticking out of his pants while he squeezes her tits and asks if she has a boyfriend?! I find Rocco far more unlikeable. He treats the girls every bit as bad, yet is portrayed as the big hero stud.

If Mr Hardcore must be charged with anything, it should be for getting his spotty arse in the way when I'm trying to concentrate on Catalina.

Phwooorr...look at her....CRASH
Johnnyboy 22
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Re: Max Hardcore found guilty

Post by Johnnyboy 22 »

Whilst im not a fan of the material of maxhardcore i do think it would be pretty harsh on the guy if he ends up serving time. Surely a fine will do, thats if he has even broke the law. So much for freedom of speech in America.
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Re: Max Hardcore found guilty

Post by Androm »

Not everyone likes soft porn or being tied up, being dominated, anal, pissing, deep throat, vomiting, scat. Yet, there are girls and guys out there who enjoy these things in their personal and some in their porn life. Max?s does a type of porn is not for everyone, so what? If you don?t like it don?t watch it! If everyone liked only liked the ?missionary pussy sex? then porn would be rather boring.

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Re: Max Hardcore found guilty

Post by Jacques »

Alice In Blunderland wrote:

> a lot of the women he uses tend to be from
> the lower end of the porn market

Define 'lower end of the porn market' because after that your words are just supposition and therefore meaningless.

quis custodiet ipsos custodes
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Re: Max Hardcore found guilty

Post by Androm »

Define 'lower end of the porn market' because after that your words are just supposition and therefore meaningless.

If meaningless means not working for one of the big companies such as vivid, evil empire, ECT. That would make 99.5% of the girls who turn up at porno valley the lower end of the porn market.

Sam Slater
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Re: Max Hardcore found guilty

Post by Sam Slater »

How surprising.

You managed to rip into weirdos, skanky birds and 'ethnics' all in one post, blaming them for, what can only be described as, public beatings with a bit of porn thrown in.

And guess who comes out as 'affable' and 'businesslike'? The middle-aged, capitalist, white guy who wears his waistband too high - backed up by a middle-aged, capitalist, white guy who wears his waistband too high!

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]