Tory MEP ?400,000.00 Snout in Trough

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Re: Tory MEP ?400,000.00 Snout in Trough

Post by crofter »

Well putting the missing ?785,000 aside, how the fuck do you elect an MP called DEN DOVER - is this some sort of novelty act or something, please tell me his assistant isn't Super Mario.
PEOPLE think Stephen Hawking is so clever, but when you ask him a question and he is typing in the answer on his little screen, how do we know he isn't just looking up the answer on the Internet?
Alex L
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Den Dover caught out too!

Post by Alex L »


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Re: Tory MEP ?400,000.00 Snout in Trough

Post by mrmcfister »

Amazing..the second snouter got fired yesterday ..the wankers at Tory Head Office said 'its got notthing to do with the expenses issue'..meanwhile a 3rd Tory is fretting tonight..reminds me a bit of 1997 and why we booted the tories me a 50 plus tory mp thats in it for anything other than themself..
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Re: Tory MEP ?400,000.00 Snout in Trough

Post by Flat_Eric »

mrmcfister wrote:


It's not just the Tories, Mac. They're all at it - Labour, Tories and LibDems alike.

Or do you seriously believe that NuLabour policy-makers (stealth taxes and all) really give a fuck about the hopes, fears and aspirations of ordinary folk?

No, my friend: Being a politician is all about feathering your own nest - just look at the pay rises and copper-bottomed, inflation-busting pension hikes that they secure for themselves (with all-party support of course!) on a regular basis to ensure that even when they've left / been booted out of office, they'll be assured incomes and standards of living that the rest of us can only dream about (and some of the bastards still aren't happy).

No need either for these cunts to worry about the price of fuel, as they swan around in their taxpayer-funded ministerial limos and reclaim the rest on their extremely generous expense accounts.

And the European Parliament in particular is a right fucking gravy train.

It may well be the case that Green Dave & his gang are no better than the shower of shite running the show at present. Only time will tell.

Of course Brown will cling on until the very end (June 3rd 2010 being the absolute latest date by which he must call an election), but come that date, I confidently predict that the Tory landslide that ousts him will be every bit as massive as the one that swept Phoney Tony into power in 1997.

Because one thing's for sure - old Glass-Eye and NuLabour are a busted flush, and many people are now starting to wise up to the fact, albeit several years late.

- Eric

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Re: Tory MEP ?400,000.00 Snout in Trough

Post by JonnyHungwell »

Conservatives and corruption have always gone hand-in-hand - and the same goes for Labour these days. All are in the game to fleece us and line their own pockets, they just hope/expect they won't get caught out. The Liberals are only in the game for a laugh and a few rent boys :)
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Re: Tory MEP ?400,000.00 Snout in Trough

Post by randyandy »

The guy caught with his pants down was appointed by Green Dave to stop MP's etc from being caught with their pants down.

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Re: Tory MEP ?400,000.00 Snout in Trough

Post by mrmcfister »

Just seen the Tory Chairwoman claimed her nanny was her 'secretary' and claimed for her..truth was the girl opened the post and answered the phone every now and then.Eric's right, they are all in for themselves.
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Re: Tory MEP ?400,000.00 Snout in Trough

Post by Mysteryman »

Why won't Dibble dabble here?

There's nothing more chav then working people over and that's what Den Dover has done with all our money so why isn't the Officer on the case?

By the way looking at Den's mugshot, he could just about be second cousin to Ben, so what's Den's real name? !grin!
Officer Dibble
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Re: Tory MEP ?400,000.00 Snout in Trough

Post by Officer Dibble »

"why isn't the Officer on the case?"

Because there's no case for me to get on. Here?s a quote from the Telegraph.

"Chris Davies, a Liberal Democrat MEP who has called for reform of the expenses regime, has highlighted Mr. Dover's arrangements in his campaign.

"I doubt that Den Dover has broken any parliamentary rules, but this simply highlights that there is something very wrong with the rules."

But anyway, haven?t I always said MP?s of whatever political hue were all in it for themselves? Haven?t I always said that this ?sleaziness? is to be expected and understandable? Aren?t we all programmed to feather our own nests first? Are there any oddballs amongst us who have never fiddled anything?

I?ve always make it clear that I?m not so much railing against the fiddling? but against the sniffy hypocrisy of the pious, and frequently contemptuous, socialists who would have us believe they?re not interested in gaudy trinkets and personal glory, like lesser mortals - they are just there for the benefit of their fellow men. It?s the arrogance and self-delusion of these people that forces me to highlight their sleaze and rampant self-interest. The Tories on the other hand have an honest personal advancement ethos that is more in tune with these snout in the trough shenanigans. It?s still sleazy, but not wildly hypocritical. And this is why it is an issue when NuLabour politicians do it, as opposed to when the Tories succumb.

Officer Dibble
