Boris- teach em latin

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Re: Boris- teach em latin

Post by Flat_Eric »

randyandy wrote:


Oh dear Andy - is that the best you can do? !laugh!

I can't speak for Dibbsy, but I think I can confidently say that I haven't misquoted / selectively quoted anyone in my posts. And I definitely haven't started a post with a misleading snipped quote like that.

Caroline Spelman?

Well yeah, some questions to be answered there for sure. But if you care to read what I wrote in the current "snouts in the trough" thread, you'll see that I'm just as critical of Tory sleaze as I am of NuLabour sleaze, and that I brand them as all as bad as each other in that respect.

So you can't accuse this mellow yellow fellow of playing party politics on that issue.

I have to laugh too about how NuLabour supporters here are already blaming lack of action by Boris for the spate of knife killings in recent weeks, when he's only been in office for 5 minutes.

Look again in a year or two and if there hasn't been some improvement in that time, by all means take a pop at him.

What I do know though is that Labour have had 11 YEARS in power, during which time the UK has seen unprecedented rises in the levels of juvenile crime, street crime, knifings, shootings and other violent offences.

All of which makes their "tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime" election pledges of 1997 look very shallow now.

- Eric

Sam Slater
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Re: Boris- teach em latin

Post by Sam Slater »

Latin solves knife crime eh?

Did Boris skip history lessons to learn latin then?

[quote]II. Emperors who died by Assassination/murder/execution

Gaius Caligula AD 41 Conspiracy led by Praetorian guard officers
Claudius AD 54 Poisoned, probably by Agrippina
Galba AD 69 Murdered by Otho
Vitellius AD 69 Murdered by troops of Vespasian
Domitian AD 96 Stabbed to death by a steward
Commodus AD 192 Strangled by a wrestler
Didius Julianus AD 193 Decapitated on the orders of Septimius Severus
Geta AD 211 Murdered y Caracalla
Caracalla AD 217 Assassinated by an attendant
Macrinus AD 218 Executed
Diadumenian AD 218 Executed by decapitation
Elagabulus AD 222 Assassinated
Alexander Severus AD 235 Murdered in a legionary mutiny
Maximinius Thrax AD 238 Murdered by the Praetorians
Pupienus Maximus AD 238 Murdered by the Praetorians
Balbinus AD 238 Murdered by the Praetorians
Phillip the Arab AD 249 Murdered by Decius
Gallus AD 253 Murdered in a Legionary Mutiny
Volusianus AD 253 Murdered in a Legionary Mutiny
Aemilianus AD 253 Murdered in a Legionary Mutiny
Gallienus AD 268 Murdered at some point during the battle of Naissus
Aurelian AD 272 Murdered by the Praetorians
Tacitus AD 276 Assassinated, probably by his own soldiers
Florianus AD 276 Assasinated by his own soldiers
Probus AD 282 Murdered by his own soldiers
Carinus AD 285 Assassinated by a tribune
Constans I AD 350 Murdered by Magnentius
Gratians AD 383 Murdered by rebellious generals
Valentinan III AD 455 Assassinated by followers of Flavius Aetius
Petronius Maximus AD 455 Kiled either by rioters or a roman soldier
Anthemius AD 472 Executed by Ricimir
Julius Nepos AD 480 Murdered by his own soldiers
Maurice I AD 602 Murdered during a mutiny by mercenaries
Phocas "the Tyrant" AD 610 Executed by Heraclius personally and beheaded
Constans II AD 668 Assassinated by his chamberlain
Leontis AD 705 Executed by Justinian II
Tiberius III AD 05 Executed by orders of Justinian II
Justinian II "Rhinotmetus" AD 711 Executed during a rebellion
Leo V "the Armenian" AD 820 Assassinated
Michael III AD 867 Assassinated by Basil the Macedonian
Nicephoros II Phocas AD 969 Assassinated by John Tzimisces
Romanus III AD 1034 Assassinated, possibly by his wife via poison
Alexius II Comnenus AD 1183 Murdered or strangled with a bow string on the orders of Andronicus comnenos[/quote]

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
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Re: Boris- teach em latin

Post by JonnyHungwell »

I've got a better idea - burn the bastards if they're caught with a knife.