Sven Sacked!!

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Re: Sven Sacked!!

Post by Mysteryman »

Never thought much of Sven but he doesn't deserve this. He hasn't won anything for City - apart from pride in beating the Reds twice this season - but that's way more than even the most loyal City fan had come to expect in recent times.
Hugh Jampton
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Re: Sven Sacked!!

Post by Hugh Jampton »

Manc and Blue by birth. Would be very upset to see Sven go - as has been said he had a long term strategy for the club - most of the players he bought were "great prospects" rather than the finished product to go alongside the players who'd made it through City's youth programme, surely one of the best in the country.

As well as the players holding down first team places we also produced several who, while not quite good enough to cope with the demands of the Premiership, are more than holding their own in Championship / SPL teams ( Kasper Schmichael, Willo Flood, Ishmael Miller etc )

Garido, Bojinov, Caciedo are all young and will come good in the next season or two. [ I'd even have held on to Samaras and let him learn at Benjani's elbow... ]

I'm sure there's another club just outside Manchester ( they play their home games somewhere called 'Old Trafford' in Salford - wherever that is ) whose manager had a much derided youth policy and who almost lost his job before it bore fruit - "You'll never win anything with kids" I seem to remember some TV pundit saying...

Funny looking manager bloke, red face, even redder nose, often jumps up and down in the technical area and won't talk to the BBC.

Wish I could remember his name now....

Sven, if he goes, will get a decent payoff and will leave with all the Blues' best wishes. If the fans and players have any say in the matter he'll stay.
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Re: Sven Sacked!!

Post by Mike_CFC »

Would'nt surprise me in the slightest if Kenyon is already sniffing after Sven.Man CIty fans have every right to feel pissed off about the treatment of Sven by the City hirearchy.

And as Ace said,Chelsea fans are perfect examples of witnessing crazy,knee-jerk manager sackings of the past.Vialli's sacking probably being the craziest.

I think it's an 'ego' thing amongst club chairmen and owners.

This blokes posts may contain strong language and may cause offence.
But do i give a fuck!!!!.
Bob Singleton
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Re: Sven Sacked!!

Post by Bob Singleton »

In his 1956 autobiography, Len Shackleton had a chapter entitled The Average Director's Knowledge of Football consisted of a blank page.

Overall, that's probably more than Shinawatra knows.

Given Sven was appointed only a few weeks before the start of the season, by which time most clubs had done the majority of their transfer business, I think he's done well with the players he did manage to bring in. The last few weeks have seen a slump in results, but due to injuries he had to field a back four of Elano, Corluka, Ball and Sun Jihai against Fulham, so a 2-3 loss should not really have come as too much of a surprise.

From what I have read, a top ten finish is what was expected of Sven's first season, so being ninth at the moment with 2 games to go is within the expectations set when he took the job... so why sack him?

Thaksin Shinawatra, (like Abramovich, Tom Hicks and George Gillett) is a dog turd on the pavement of life... something to be avoided at all costs!

"But how to make Liverpool economically prosperous? If only there was some way for Liverpudlians to profit from going on and on about the past in a whiny voice."

- Stewart Lee
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Re: Sven Sacked!!

Post by Robches »

It seems Man City are going to challenge Newcastle United for their coveted position of Premiership Champion Comedy Club. What a completely twattish decision, but that's what you will get if you allow football clubs to be sold to any foreign shyster with either a big enough wallet or a big enough line of credit. I thought the Glazers were bad until Hicks and Gillett moved in at Liverpool.

If Peter Kenyon does approach Sven I'd advise him to be careful. Kenyon is the slimiest, most two-faced cunt in football, and that's a position with quite a few challengers.

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Re: Sven Sacked!!

Post by Ace »

Robches wrote:

> If Peter Kenyon does approach Sven I'd advise him to be
> careful. Kenyon is the slimiest, most two-faced cunt in
> football, and that's a position with quite a few challengers.

You'll find no argument from most fans, whether its Chelsea or Man Utd on THAT one mate!

The West London of my youth is now on dvd

I've met the man on the street............and he's a cunt
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Re: Sven Sacked!!

Post by Mysteryman »

Hugh Jampton wrote:

"'Old Trafford' in Salford"

Have you ever been west of Knott Mill?
Dave Wells
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Re: Sven Sacked!!

Post by Dave Wells »

Nothing ever surprises me at City !

Dave Wells
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Re: Sven Sacked!!

Post by crofter »

Sadly this is going to become pretty mainstream for the Premiership Clubs that have chased the top dollar and went for the foreign owners .... just wait until they fancy picking the team and signing players themselves (like Hearts owner Vladimir Romanov).
PEOPLE think Stephen Hawking is so clever, but when you ask him a question and he is typing in the answer on his little screen, how do we know he isn't just looking up the answer on the Internet?
Bob Singleton
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Re: Sven Sacked!!

Post by Bob Singleton »

crofter wrote:

> Sadly this is going to become pretty mainstream for the
> Premiership Clubs that have chased the top dollar and went for
> the foreign owners .... just wait until they fancy picking the
> team and signing players themselves (like Hearts owner Vladimir
> Romanov).

It started at Chelsea on 28th May 2006. You don't really think Mourinho bought Schevchenko, do you?

"But how to make Liverpool economically prosperous? If only there was some way for Liverpudlians to profit from going on and on about the past in a whiny voice."

- Stewart Lee