Fun loving Princes

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Fun loving Princes

Post by b217bravo »

At a time when everybody else is having to tighten belts & look after the pennies it is nice to know that the young royals are nicely cushioned by the tax payer to the extent that they can use RAF helicopters to fly to a private stag do, and unbelievably people defend it.
Read about it here. ... ge_id=1770

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Re: Fun loving Princes

Post by b217bravo »

Forgot to add that Andrew also regularly uses RAF helicopters to fly to golf tournaments in Scotland, tosser.

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Re: Fun loving Princes

Post by Trumpton »

b217bravo wrote:

> Read about it here.

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Re: Fun loving Princes

Post by mrmcfister »

These are the same twats that spend ?2K a night at some up market London club and stagger out the door practically legless.Dont worry though all the press will be there when they work for half an hour and look all fucking earnest with some charidee! I remember a couple of years ago Harry Hewitt going to a party with Nazi regalia on his arm..what a funny cunt!
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Re: Fun loving Princes

Post by b217bravo »

Thanks for making the link clickable,
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Re: Fun loving Princes

Post by dynatech »

Why should royals pretend they're poor simply because we're in one of our periodic recessions? Will the policticians be expected to do the same? Is every single person in the country under some moral duty to 'tighten their belts' regardless?

They're locking them up today, they're throwing away the key...I wonder who it be tomorrow, you or me?
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Re: Fun loving Princes

Post by b217bravo »

You miss the point, I realy do not have a problem with the wealth of Wills & Harry (albeit unearned) but if gormless Gordo needs to raise more money by increasing the tax take then any right thinking person would say that the super rich should pay a little more rather than 5.3 million of those on the lowest incomes, Wills & Harry et al would still be able to afford their nights out in the swanky London clubs necking ?2k of booze whereas the less well off have seen the tax rise on their pint of beer down the local which coupled with the abolition of the 10% tax band (reduced income) is a double whammy for the working man & pensioner, so yes, in answer to your question the burden of increased taxation should always fall most heavily on those that can afford it, that was what the Labour party originaly espoused.

Now to my main point, perhaps not well made, imagine if you will trainee helicopter pilot John Smith, from a humble background, going to the CO & saying " My mate is getting married & he's having a stag do in Edinburgh, can I borrow a helicopter to fly up there, I can test out my skills during the flight, & oh by the way can we stop by in Manchester to pick up my brother?" The screams of rage & indignation from the CO would be heard across the country.
I am sure that Wills & Hewitts eldest could well afford to hire a helicopter for their private jaunts.

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Re: Fun loving Princes

Post by Flat_Eric »

b217bravo wrote:



Which is why I always laugh my ass off when I read statements from the Clarence House press office claiming that Harry H. and Wills are keen to be treated "just like any other serving officer" (or statements from fawning military big-wigs claiming that this is exactly how they do get treated).

It's also why I take with an enormous vat of salt statements from those same military big-wigs that the Princes using a Chinook to fly to a stag do is an "essential part of his (Prince Wiliam's) training".

Who are they trying to kid?

- Eric

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Re: Fun loving Princes

Post by Ace »

Fast turning into a right couple of hurrah cunts.
Their mum would turn in her grave if she could see them now.
Pair of ungrateful cunts, the pair of them!

The West London of my youth is now on dvd

I've met the man on the street............and he's a cunt
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Re: Fun loving Princes

Post by Trumpton »
