The Apprentice

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Re: The Apprentice

Post by Mysteryman »

Ace wrote:
"especially Margaret going out of her way to report the most trivial details to him in that playground gossip way gets right up my nose"

As I understand it their brief is to look at the minutia and report it back. If this seems overdone in the context of a 60 minute programme it is probably due to bad editing.

If senior management in a great number of British companies took the time to look at detail and put in place various levels of micro management there would be far fewer complaints, much greater customer satisfaction and fewer cock ups such as the current debacle at Terminal 5.

Early on in my career we were taught to pay attention to detail as failure to notice small errors inevitably leads to greater and more costly problems. Over the years many management structures decided detail was unimportant. How many times in my employed life did I hear "don't bother me with the detail, just give me the big picture" followed hours, or days, or weeks later by "why didn't you advise me about that?"

I'm sure Sugar doesn't micro manage every facet of his empire but I'm equally sure he has some very efficient management levels that do.

For the purposes of the programme, he has to make a decision to employ someone on a very high salary compared to their knowledge and experience. Nick and Margaret are his eyes and ears and he obviously wants to base his decisions on the greatest amount of information possible.

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Re: The Apprentice

Post by Mike_CFC »

To be fair to Sugar though,he started from the bottom and achieved his wealth through damn hard graft and good buisness knowledge,so a ponce would be the last thing i'd class him as.

Though he was crap at running a football club,a poisoned chalice in it's own right,but nobody's perfect.

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But do i give a fuck!!!!.
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Re: The Apprentice

Post by Ace »

Mike_CFC wrote:

> To be fair to Sugar though,he started from the bottom and
> achieved his wealth through damn hard graft and good buisness
> knowledge,so a ponce would be the last thing i'd class him as.
> Though he was crap at running a football club,a poisoned
> chalice in it's own right,but nobody's perfect.

Mike, my very first hi-fi was in 1982 and was an Amstrad, and it looked fantastic, and was as well, BUT the drive belt on the record player stretched after 6 months and when I opened it up to replace it, saw exactly what a chunk of shit it was, a big fancy looking outer shell with minimal insides. the electronics were shoddy and the speakers were chipboard with a teak veneer that LOOKED like there were a Woofer and a Tweeter, BUT after I looked inside these, the fascia was MEANT to look like that, inside was a standard single speaker. I contacted Amstrad for their comments on three occasions and never recieved a reply, so for him to spout off about customer service is a bit rich
If I could have shoved this machine up Sugars arse, I would have.
Fucking con artist

The West London of my youth is now on dvd

I've met the man on the street............and he's a cunt
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Re: The Apprentice

Post by Mike_CFC »

Yup,that's a good enough reason to hate him.

This blokes posts may contain strong language and may cause offence.
But do i give a fuck!!!!.
Posts: 5879
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Re: The Apprentice

Post by Ace »

Mike_CFC wrote:

> Yup,that's a good enough reason to hate him.

I love him for fucking up Spurs, so it does balance out.

The West London of my youth is now on dvd

I've met the man on the street............and he's a cunt
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Re: The Apprentice

Post by Trumpton »

Weren't Amstrad the first company selling the original satellite dishes that received Sky when they first started?