ebay vouchers

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ebay vouchers

Post by steve56 »

I was sent one for a tenner tried to use it but no good paypal wouldnt let me use it either and it ends 31st of this month funny paypal is ok now i think it was fixed.
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Re: ebay vouchers

Post by Flat_Eric »

Steve - funny you should say that.

I was sent one a couple of months back, and mine didn't work either.

- Eric

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Re: ebay vouchers

Post by pipman0 »

I'm sorry to say this but i used mine last week and it worked perfectly. Phil
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Re: ebay vouchers

Post by dynatech »

Enlighten us then Pipman as I have also experienced problems with my voucher and was beginning to think it was a ruse just to get people a-purchasin'

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Re: ebay vouchers

Post by planeterotica »

I had one for ?7.50 i tried to use it last week against a purchase and it didnt work so i sent a shity email to paypal accusing them of running a scam and after 5 days i recieved a reply telling me not to be so rude so i have replied with an even shitier email, as yet they havnt got back to me !sad!

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Re: ebay vouchers

Post by crofter »

I think to use it you have to have the same registered email address for both Paypal and Ebay, maybe this is stopping you using it??
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Re: ebay vouchers

Post by pipman0 »

Hello again you proberly have to have a registered email address for ebay and paypal i sell and buy on ebay quite alot. I bought a game typed in the ?10 voucher on the paypal page and it automatically took off ?10. So sorry don't understand why it didn't work for everyone
Porn crackers
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Re: ebay vouchers

Post by Porn crackers »

This Easter I had a ?5 voucher and in the terms and condition it said I had to have the same email address for ebay and paypal or words to that effect..... As mine were not the same I changed my ebay email account to the Paypal address and brought something..... only on paying to find PayPal refuse to accept the voucher.

I emailed Paypal but no reply so to be fair on my seller I paid for the item without the discount.

I was pretty sure the rejection was tied up with this email problem and decided to add my old ebay email address to my Paypal profile as a secondary address.

I then brought something else and this time the voucher was accepted.

After I had sorted it Paypal eventually got back to me, saying I didn't seem to have a problem as their records showed I had used the voucher.
I replied telling them what I had to do myself to solve the problem, and asking rather tongue in cheek for them to send me another voucher so I can make sure I had fixed it...... The only reply back was the offer to provide feedback on their SUPPORT!!!! And what support was that?

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Re: ebay vouchers

Post by steve56 »

I emailed paypal too only to get a answer saying go to your account etc follow the easy steps then it said my account was suspended and i managed to pay for 3 items?weird or what