I have worked with both Felicity (aka Leeanne) and Dick Nasty (aka Richard Sheed). The scene I did with Felicity was for the British Erotica magazine and you can see it in volume 1 of that series (just to make it clear I've been paid for that scene and get nothing from any sales!

Now for Dick Nasty. The last time I spoke to him I called him an arrogant little prick. He really lives up to his name I'm afraid and really does exploit the girls. His payment rates for his own productions are very low and he respects no-one. He asks virtually every girl to go over to the States and promises them the earth. (I know he's done it to me and most of the girls I know in the business). However, we know what he's like and anyone who goes over there at his invitation is asking for trouble. Seems poor Felicity fell for it though. A little naive perhaps?
Isn't it funny how he tried to hold hands etc. with Felicity. Very sad don't you think?. Seems he wanted to set up an affectionate relationship as he does with all of us. Maybe we should pity him as a sad lonely individual. On second thoughts let's not.
I've received lots of offers to appear in documentaries and on chat shows. I have never accepted because I know their remit is to show me and/or the porn business as stupid, sleazy and exploitative. It's usually tabloid TV at its worst although I will admit that it would be hard to show Dick Nasty and the producers in last night's programme in a good light.
(One further general point about some of the postings. I'm very glad to see that anyone referring to the girls in the industry as 'bitches', 'sluts' etc. receive short shrift from the more balanced majority of the people posting to the forum. Well done guys!)