Dvd player

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Dvd player

Post by rocky12345 »

I have just changed my room round and I have plugged my dvd player back in the tv and everything on it comes up green does anyone know if there is anyway to solve it,I know I have probably plugged something in wrong but I can't work out what.Thank You in advance.
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Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Dvd player

Post by Maf2468 »

Hi Warren
When this happens to my dvd player, it's usually because it's gone to the NTSC format. If you how set it back to the PAL format try that. I hope this helps.

Chuck de Head
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Re: Dvd player

Post by Jacques »

You are probably trying to watch playback in RGB mode - check where your Scart is plugged in.

quis custodiet ipsos custodes
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Re: Dvd player

Post by eduardo »

Take The Incredible Hulk DVD out of the machine.
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Re: Dvd player

Post by steve56 »

My CD player hasnt been the same since it was moved from one unit to another when i moved flats bought a cleaner last week still have skips on track 17 on cds?
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Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Dvd player

Post by rocky12345 »

Scart Lead was'nt plugged in properly,Cheers Guys.