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Re: BGAFD Party

Post by Trumpton »

warren zevon rip wrote:

> Trumpton wrote:
> > I'd like to go - but Wazzakins and I are in the same
> situation
> > - live too far away to attend. Ho-hum!

> Probably just as well. We'd end up talking politics and
> ignoring the lovely Miss Ice. Story of my life.

The talking about politics would have to be sidelined as I wouldn't be able to take my gaze away from Yazmin. Anyway, unfortunately that's academic now!

Sam Slater
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Re: BGAFD Party

Post by Sam Slater »

So more than 22% voted for a rival party?

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
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Re: BGAFD Party

Post by Trumpton »

78% of the electorate didn't vote for the party that "won" that election!

Sam Slater
Posts: 11624
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Re: BGAFD Party

Post by Sam Slater »

...but Labour got the most votes, no? The party with the most votes is in power. Perfect democracy as far as I can see.

Now, say the Tories had got 23% yet Labour were still in power with only 22% of the that's undemocratic.

P.s. I was one of the 'majority' that didn't bother.

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
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Re: BGAFD Party

Post by Jacques »

And thus not worth bothering with.

quis custodiet ipsos custodes
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Re: BGAFD Party

Post by Trumpton »

warren zevon rip wrote:
> 1) You have assumed that anyone who didn't vote was
> anti-Labour?

No. Many couldn't be bothered!

> Or perhaps they thought it
> was a foregone conclusion and didn't bother.

No. That would be a defeatist attitude.

> 2) You have ignored the fact that while Labour, like most
> parties of government in the last 100 years of UK politics did
> not get an absolute majority of votes cast, neither did anyone
> else!

No. I'm aware of that vital and salient point. Wazzakins, you seem very sensistive about anyone who dares to pass a comment on any aspect of NuLabour's "government"?

We need to change our electorial system to prevent parties which receive a small percentage of the vote forming an administration. Also, we need to introduce compulsory voting!

Sam Slater
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Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: BGAFD Party

Post by Sam Slater »

True -and fair- if all parties agreed to these rules beforehand, but not democracy in it's purest sense.

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
Posts: 7649
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Re: BGAFD Party

Post by Trumpton »

Wazzakins, are you aware that in the 1992 general election the Tories won, in terms of actual votes cast, by only 40,000 votes! Meaning if those 40,000 voters had voted for another party it would have resulted in an hung parliament!

FPTP, is archaic, outmoded and completely undemocratic! With PR the number of votes cast for each party will approximately be reflected in parliament! It will lead to coalition administration - but the rest of Europe have coalition governments.

Blimey, we've digressed well away from the subject heading!
