Radio One.....un-listenable

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Re: Radio One.....un-listenable

Post by Trumpton »

ATS wrote:

> Tend to listen to Radio Five live or talksport

'Talksport' utterley dreadful! Filled to the brim with mockneys and 'real propa geezer's' who sound like they have throat cancer!

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Re: Radio One.....un-listenable

Post by Ace »

I posted several years ago on how this once decent station (circa 1982) had become total shite.
Coke heads like Sara Cox have no talent other than drivel on all day, and don't start me on that slug Moyles.
I blame Steve Wright back in the late 80's having his mates in discussing stuff which caught on, less music and more talking bollocks.
I listen to TalkSPORT as well, although to many adverts and with Mike Parry and his one-sided views do grind me down. Mike Dicken is sorely missed.
Radio 2 was supposedly all the rage a year ago, but with cunts like Jonathan Ross and Russel Brand, well, that can fuck off too!

The West London of my youth is now on dvd

I've met the man on the street............and he's a cunt
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Re: However.................

Post by Ace »

I'd rag the arse off Jo Whiley all fucking night, I can tell you that!!

The West London of my youth is now on dvd

I've met the man on the street............and he's a cunt
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Re: Radio One.....un-listenable

Post by Trumpton »

Has anyone else noticed that there has been homogeneity undertaken by all the local radio stations whereby they all sound exactly the same! The same style of programmes, the same style of presentors, the same style of adverts, the same sounding DJ's, the same sounding accents and the same speech pattens?

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Re: Radio One.....un-listenable

Post by PondLife »

Well, I sort of agree with WZR and ATS, but only because I'm a nice person.

The bottom line is that I know that this country isn't run particularly well, so I certainly don't need to be reminded of it day after day after day, on Radio 4, by John Humphries.

So I would rather spend the rest of my life travelling the world, looking for a better place to live rather than be involved in the minutia of analysis that pretends to be intelligent discussion from 6am to 9am on Radio 4.

Look, WZR, I've always respected your views and have never criticised them, I don't think. However, this is the life I live. At a 'certain age' people cease wanting to have intense analysis of the world around them. Perhaps, at 61 I have reached that age. I would rather have a laugh, have fun, get pissed overlooking wonderful views than analyse anything too much.

I've been fairly highly educated, with four sets of professional qualifications that I can put on letterheads, after my name, if I was vain enough to do that. That is not boasting in any way. I am not proud of it but I simply include the information to show that people with a reasonable intellect can still prefer fun rather than rather than boring analysis.

I read the FT every day. At least it is not full of doom and gloom that all the mainstream daily newspapers in the UK, (Telegraph, Guardian, Times et al) are, each day.

Yes, ATS, Chris Moyles has an arrogant personality. I agree. But, if the BBC radio listening audience figures can be believed, Terry Wogan has about 8 million listeners per day. Chris Moyles has somewhat less, but both have far more than Radio 4 has. Perhaps that is a reflection of the low intellect that radio audiences in the UK have. Well, in that case, I am happy to be included amongst the people who prefer fun to analysis.

I hope you will take this message in the spirit in which it is intended. You are perfectly correct in having your views and I totally respect them.

All I ask is that you consider my viewpoint and take account of the fact that people's view on life and the Universe do change over time.

E&OE, due to drunkenness

David James
