Chris Benoit RIP

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Re: Chris Benoit RIP

Post by Mike-L »

Caractacus wrote:

> Not being an expert, I bow to your knowledge, Mike.
> I do know that, medical necessity apart, I wouldn't touch
> steroids with a barge pole.

Thats fair enough bro, I'm not condoning their use or anything but there's very little chance they were to blame for this incident.

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Re: Chris Benoit RIP

Post by Tez »

Take this for wot its worth.....

"TMZ has learned more about the deaths of WWE wrestling superstar Chris Benoit, his wife and son -- and the information is extremely disturbing.

Several Atlanta-based law enforcement sources have told TMZ Benoit may have strangled his wife on Saturday, then smothered his son in his bed a day later. Investigators refuse to officially comment, pending final confirmation by the coroner on the cause and time of the deaths.

One source told TMZ that Benoit was texting friends during Sunday's WWE "Vengeance" Pay-Per-View program -- possibly watching the show with his son, who may have been alive at the time.

According to sources, Benoit then hanged himself Monday in a weight room inside the family home.

A police investigation is ongoing."


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Benny Brando
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Re: Don't Blame Steroids,

Post by Benny Brando »

Maybe it affects different people in different ways. I have a couple of friends who take the 'roids. One is ok with it and the other can become a bit of a pyscho.
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Re: Don't Blame Steroids,

Post by Mike-L »

Benny Brando wrote:

> Maybe it affects different people in different ways. I have a
> couple of friends who take the 'roids. One is ok with it and
> the other can become a bit of a pyscho.

Yeah, but thats just moods swings losing your temper due to elavated hormones(testosterone) is very different to going psychotic.

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Re: Chris Benoit RIP

Post by Ebeneezer »

The Atlanta police said in a press conference that

* He killed his wife on friday by trying her legs and wrsists up and strangling her with electrical wire. Killed his son on saturday with a plastic bag and then hung himself on sunday.

* He remained in the house for some time after killing them

* There was a large ammount of anabolic steroids in the house

* In 2003 his wife filed for divorce and a restraining order after Benoit hit her and threatened to kill her. They eventually worked it out and the restraining order was disgarded.
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Re: Chris Benoit RIP

Post by harmonyluvver »

It's going to be a mixture of circumstances,psycological problems, events and probably some chemical factors too. Roids don't affect everyone the same way and there are more than one type of steroid. Some have been found to increase aggression, others to lower it.

interesting study. Flawed but interesting.
At the end of the day it's a horrible tragedy, no matter how or why it happened. Only 1 person has all the answers and he isn't going to be telling us.

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Re: Chris Benoit RIP

Post by Mike-L »

A statement from the WWE website regarding speculation of "roid rage"

The physical findings announced by authorities indicate deliberation, not rage. The wife's feet and hands were bound and she was asphyxiated, not beaten to death. By the account of the authorities, there were substantial periods of time between the death of the wife and the death of the son, again suggesting deliberate thought, not rage. The presence of a Bible by each is also not an act of rage

Thats basically what I have been trying to explain, steroids can cause aggressive outbursts and mood swings, but what was done here was done through delibrate thought(no matter how psychotic) NOT rage.

Anyway here is the full WWE statement

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Sam Slater
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Re: Chris Benoit RIP

Post by Sam Slater »

I don't know why many think steroid use isn't at play here.

The bottom line is that to strangle your wife and suffocate your own son, you're either suffering some mental illness, not in control of your mind through drug use, or in an uncontrollable rage.

We all get mad and do things we normally wouldn't when angry. Inhibitors in our frontal cortex usually control our behaviour up to a point, but hormones can override this mechanism.

While something as simple as excess testosterone can help with muscle growth and less body fat, a side affect can be a bigger sexual libido and aggression. It's why men are more aggressive, and have a bigger sexual appetite after all. The proof is everywhere we look.

Getting yourself into a fit of rage while you have excess testosterone running through your veins could easily take your anger to another level, to a point where it takes control of you. The drugs do not have to be hallucinatory.

I'm not saying steroids are the cause in this case; I'm saying they could easily be a contributor.

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