Jailed Porn Star

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Re: Jailed Porn Star

Post by adultwebmaster »

one eyed jack wrote:

> I wasnt too sure what to make of it as I know of Blue (I'm sure
> he meant it in jest)

You've lost me there Terry.

I was joking against your statement that you didn't have anything to do with Melissa being violent.

As for the rest of this thread, to be quite honest, I haven't really been following it properly.

From the later posts, I've noticed the racist undertones from the usual type of bigoted narrow minded planks.

I hope you know me better than that Terry, the amount of years I've been on here.


one eyed jack
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Re: Jailed Porn Star

Post by one eyed jack »

Of course I do Steve...Oops! I think I know what happened. One of the comments posted was from a Blue which is why i think you thought it was levelled at you.

Just to make it clear to everyone that New Blue is not the same Blue who posted that comment about the spear. You see how this shit spirals out of control?

Alice dont be daft you know how it was meant. Having a sword and shield doesnt connote the same thought as someone with a spear who happens to be a tad darker than your goodself.

It usually implies blacks being primitive and backward in case I have to spell it out. A bloke with a shield and a sword is considered a protector and/or warrior...hardly the same imagery. Especially if he is British.

one eyed jack
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Re: Jailed Porn Star

Post by one eyed jack »

Anyway. Enough on this matter. This thread wasnt about me. All is forgiven. Lets move on.

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Re: Jailed Porn Star

Post by adultwebmaster »

one eyed jack wrote:

> Of course I do Steve...Oops! I think I know what happened. One
> of the comments posted was from a Blue which is why i think you
> thought it was levelled at you.

lol My turn to say Oops

The offending post must have been removed, that's why I thought you meant me.

All the best m8


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Re: Jailed Porn Star

Post by joey_prodi »

lol and they say american people dont get irony...most bloody british people dont get irony! sorry if u took offense terry of course it was said as a joke, u sed urself how u dont get al riled up over stuff like that and can take it on the chin no? sorry about that...but why do the do- gooders hav to jump on board as per usual
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Re: Jailed Porn Star

Post by b217bravo »

I have seen quite a few Lesbo videos featuring MW so she should do well in prison, she will be well looked after & protected by some big butch dyke in return for becoming her bitch.
one eyed jack
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Re: Jailed Porn Star

Post by one eyed jack »

Hi Joey, really its no big deal but I will say this in defence of anyone who gets lost on the irony issue is simply because no one really knows anyone to know whether they are serious or not which is why I didnt make an issue about until it came up.

If I seem a bit touchy its because I received emails in private from this same here forum with racist death threats form a certain asian person who has been going around everywhere it seems dishing out threats of violence and racial abuse.

To be honest it wasnt the racial aspect but more the threat to stab me and cut off my hands I took umbrage too....(and believe me Raj I know you are reading this, we aint done yet). Even with this guy...not once did I use the p-word. You know why? Because it was irrelevant. Being an arsehole is universal irrespective of race, colour or creed.

I think I'm reasonably well adjusted to rise above the odd subtle comment. I think "spear" was reasonably humourous compared to a full out jigaboo jungle bunny spear chucker right? Go on you can have a laugh. I do have sense of humour but it does make me wonder if someone is challenging my integrity as a person by taking my niceness for a weakness if they make a comment and I dont know whether they are friend or foe.

It makes all the difference between a word being said in jest to one that is fighting words.

So forgive me a bit if I was a little on edge about this and I accept your apology Joey. I'm just sorry it had to be made awkward like this.
