Karina - Blue Kiss query

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Karina - Blue Kiss query

Post by Greenwing »

I tuned into 'Blue Kiss' last night. it's the new FTA 'babe' channel on 964.

I know it comes from the same company that Karina C works for (Cellcast) which also runs Sex Station, Babestation/Cast and the recently closed XXX4U, so I'm puzzled as to why they closed XXX4U only to reopen it a few weeks later with a new name - Blue Kiss!

It uses exactly the same set, the only things different are the colour of the lighting (from red to blue/yellow) and the cushions on the bed. Even the background music is the same.

Did they close XXX4U and then realise it was a mistake? If so why not just keep the same name and relaunch it?

If they wanted a new image it would seem sensible to at least make an effort and have a new set!

Any thoughts Karina, or anyone else?
Karina Currie
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Re: Karina - Blue Kiss query

Post by Karina Currie »

Hi Greenwing
firstly may i congratulate you on your observational skills !thumbsup!,
yes the set may seem the same; but its not. Lets look at the evidence !sherlock! it's a completely different palette! oh and seeing as i made a whole heap of round funky sheets for that bed we're going to bloody well use it. Oh and did you know i upholstered that headboard?!? No i bet you didn't, it's just damn lucky you don't see the back !shocked! oh and i made that plasma to!wink! and are you sure it's the same music? it might sound similar but i'm sure xxx4u played it in a different tempo and key!
Jokes aside I definitly get what your saying and i'll see if we can adjust things to make them all new and shiny,
but you know what happens when new, shiny things get given to naughty girlys,
they get all mucky and dirty !wink!.
What you may like to take into consideration is most shows of this nature regardless of the company who runs it will only spend big money on things like sets and backdrops when the show is turning a good profit and its worth investing more, and yeah yeah yeah i know; speculate accumilate and all that, thus the main investment at the beginning of a shows life is and should be, the babes on it. Did you not see the gorgeous Taylor Morgan and Kiera farrall gracing the screen last night! god damn it man, the set should have been the last thing on your mind! Do you look at the carpet while shagging your partner? No! rough analogy but hey i've just had a wisdom tooth ripped out and the good stuffs wearing off!!sad!!
Also it is definitly not a renamed/branded xxx4u. It is a completely different channel, name, number the lot, and i'm afraid because we have offcunts looking out for our wellbeing blue kiss as well as all the others, have to or should keep within the crappy guidelines to remain on air with licence. the days of 995 livexxx with the legendary FTG and xxx4u with disappearing dildos are long gone !tears! so untill some super rich bugger wants to lend a few quid to stand up to the regulators we have to toe the line. oh that is of course untill we get shooting content for the long awaited website !wink!
hope this answers some of your questions
luv n hugs

A Lady on the streets but a Whore between the sheets aka Karina C.
Porn is an art form. The most Basic, natural human expression, displayed for the pleasure of others. Everyone can do it, but not many do it well
Luv what you do and Fuck like you mean it
Posts: 19
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Karina - Blue Kiss query

Post by Greenwing »

Thanks for the in depth reply Karina !grin!

I am rather picky but that's because I used to work as TVX's in house producer a few years ago and I still keep an eagle eye on developments in the genre, just in case I dabble in the business again!

I hadn't realised that you'd hand stitched the set - I'll look out for that headboard! At least I did notice the cushions !wink!

Anyway, I wish you well with the venture - it can't be easy in such a crowded market, and with Ofcom breathing down your neck too.

Regarding the music - I tuned in at 9pm and it was different, although similar in style to XXX4U. However, when I flicked over in the early hours I definitely recognised some XXX4U music, or perhaps it had been used on Sex Station.

Still, not many punters will worry about that!

Have fun !wink!


Captain Kebab
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Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Karina - Blue Kiss query

Post by Captain Kebab »

Hey Karina,

Good luck with the new channel. I noticed you mentioned extra content for the website. I remember you previously talking about plans for a red chair style cam for the website. Is this still in the pipe line and is there any time scale on it?
